Sherali Juraev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Sherali Juraev: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Sherali Juraev: Biography, Career And Personal Life

The singing art of Uzbekistan is rooted in the deep past. Sherali Dzhuraev is one of the keepers of traditions. He sings songs accompanied by folk instruments and not only. The image of the singer serves as a role model for the younger generation.

Sherali Juraev
Sherali Juraev

Starting conditions

In the legends and tales of the Uzbek people, the figure of a narrator and singer is often mentioned, who is called a hafiz. These performers not only preserve the old texts and melodies, but also supplement them with their own elements. People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR Sherali Dzhuraev continues the traditions of his ancestors with dignity. He sings songs that sounded over the fertile land of his native country a thousand years ago. Creates her own works, preserving the national flavor. In the media, he is often called the king of the Uzbek stage. And there is every reason for this.

The future Hafiz was born on April 12, 1947 in an ordinary peasant family. Parents lived in the small village of Asaki. His father was Uzbek, and his mother was Turkish. Work skills were taught to the child from an early age. Taught to respect the elders and not offend the weak. Sherali helped his father to cope with the field work. On holidays he liked to listen to songs of local performers. Without much effort he mastered the technique of playing the tanbur. He easily memorized the words of folk songs and composed his own. Adult family members approved of his hobbies.


Creative activity

After school, Juraev was strongly advised to get a specialized education at the vocal department of the Tashkent Institute of Arts. In 1966 Sherali successfully passed the entrance exams. The members of the commission were surprised by the technique of performing folk songs. In 1971 the certified performer was admitted to the "Shodlik" song and dance ensemble. By that time, Dzhuraev was already working closely with his peers, poets. He created vocal and instrumental compositions based on the poems of his friends. He created, performed from the stage and recorded on records.

Juraev's songs "Caravan", "First Love", "Uzbek People" and others became hits and are still heard in television and radio programs. The creative career of the composer and singer was developing well. In the mid-80s, Sherali wrote a book "The Child is the Master of the Earth". In it, the author shared his views and experiences of raising children. In the wake of democratization that swept across the country in the 90s, Juraev was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan. The famous singer and composer was not satisfied with his political activities.

Recognition and privacy

For many years and fruitful activity in the field of culture and art, Sherali Juraev was awarded the State Prize named after Alisher Navoi. In 1987 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of Uzbekistan.

Hafiz's personal life took shape from the third time. The husband and wife raised and raised five children - two boys and three girls. The sons continued the work of their father with dignity.
