Close Glenn: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Close Glenn: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Close Glenn: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Glenn Close is a famous American actress, singer, producer. Her biography includes more than a dozen films, and the most famous are: "Fatal Attraction", "101 Dalmatians", "Dangerous Liaisons". The actress has received the largest number of Oscar nominations in the history of cinema for her roles, she also received Golden Globe, Emmy and Tony awards.

Glenn Close
Glenn Close

Glenn Close is one of the brightest and most versatile actresses, able to embody both funny and dramatic images on the screen. She began her film career in the late 70s and continues her creative biography to this day.

Childhood and adolescence

The girl was born in the spring of 1947 in the US state of Connecticut. In addition to her, the family had four more children. My father was engaged in medical practice and at one time worked in the Congo as the president's personal physician. Glenn spent her childhood in this African country. Mom was engaged in household and social activities.

When Glenn was still just a child, her parents joined the MRA movement, which meant refusing to communicate with the outside world and the benefits of civilization. After spending several years in an atmosphere of prohibition and seclusion, the girl grew up very withdrawn and depressed, but at the bottom of her soul she always tried to find freedom and break out of the environment that put constant pressure on her.

When Close was 16 years old, she left for Switzerland to study at a private school, and then went to college, where her passion for the theater began. Thanks to her participation in student performances, Glenn was finally able to communicate with her peers, make friends and become more cheerful and self-confident. After receiving her diploma, she finally decided on the choice of a further path and entered the theater courses.

Career in theater and cinema

By the mid-70s, Close began acting on Broadway. Her appearance and beautiful voice immediately attracted the attention of not only the public, but also the producers. Soon, for her theatrical work, the girl received several awards of the prestigious Tony Award.

For a long time she continued to perform successfully on stage, and only when she was 35 years old did she first get on the set. Her debut role in The World According to Garp earned the actress an Oscar nomination. The following works of Glenn again receive the attention of the film academy: she becomes a nominee for the pictures "The Great Disappointment" and "Nugget".

Close gained worldwide fame and fame after the films "Fatal Attraction" and "Dangerous Liaisons". These films were also nominated for an Oscar, and the actress herself was assigned the role of not quite mentally healthy, evil and insidious women.

Another beautiful and beloved work of Close was the main role in the film "101 Dalmatians", where she portrayed the evil Cruella de Ville trying to hunt puppies. After the release of the film, Glenn said more than once that she really adores dogs and even maintains a special blog about the life of pets of famous actors.

It is curious that Glenn is often confused with an equally famous actress - Meryl Streep, but, as Close herself noted, only fans, but not film critics, confuse them.

Further creative biography of the actress is filled with numerous roles in the cinema. She has successfully played in dramatic, comedy, fantasy and adventure films and series, including: "The Airplane of the President", "Tarzan", "The Lion in Winter", "The Stepford Wives", "Guardians of the Galaxy", "New Era Z", " Warcraft "," Shield "," The Secret of 7 Sisters ".

Personal life

Glenn considers his first marriage to be wrong. She fell in love with musician Cabot Ueda and married him, but the marriage lasted only two years.

The second marriage took place in 1984. James Marlos became her husband, but this union did not become long.

A few years later, Glenn begins to meet with producer John Stark, but does not form an official relationship with him. The couple lived together for over five years and had a daughter.

In 2006, Close remarried, which lasted about 10 years. Glenn's husband was David Evans Shaw, a man who has nothing to do with cinema. After parting, the ex-husband and wife maintain friendly and warm relations.