Azurite: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone, Interesting Facts

Azurite: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone, Interesting Facts
Azurite: Magical And Healing Properties Of The Stone, Interesting Facts

Azurite is a stone that is often confused with lapis lazuli. This is an ornamental crystal of deep blue color. Possesses a huge range of magical and healing properties. Thanks to this, it is very popular. Ornaments are often made from it.

azurite stone
azurite stone

Azurite was found a long time ago. For several centuries, people believed that the mineral is able to help its owner. After all, a nugget has more magical properties. Therefore, it was used in ceremonies and rituals. The priests with the help of azurite tried to communicate with the higher mind. At the present stage, the stone is used for both magical and medicinal purposes.

It is mainly found in deep blue azurite. But you can see purple, bluish green and blue crystals. The latter are very rare. The color depends on the amount of copper in the mineral. If there is a lot of it, then the stone becomes darker.

The combination of azurite and malachite is highly valued. You can often see burnite - a combination of azurite with cuprite. There is also blue copper. It is a compound of azurite and chrysocolla.

Healing properties

Azurite can be used as a decorative element. However, do not forget about the rich set of medicinal qualities of this mineral. With the help of his powerful energy, he is able to influence people.

Lithotherapists believe that the crystal will help to cope with a variety of diseases.

  1. Azurite soothes. Lithotherapists believe that with the help of the mineral it is possible to cope with depression.
  2. Thanks to the stone, eyesight improves.
  3. The mineral will help get rid of insomnia. Thanks to the stone, you can significantly reduce the level of anxiety.
  4. Thanks to azurite, pressure surges can be dealt with.
  5. The stone has a beneficial effect on the work of internal organs.
  6. The mineral effectively treats skin diseases.
  7. Thanks to the crystal, immunity is increased.
  8. Blood cleansing is another beneficial property of azurite.
  9. The stone will help if joints hurt.
  10. Copper glaze can help treat asthma.

To take advantage of the healing properties of azurite, you need to follow fairly simple steps.

  1. Azurite can be applied to a sore spot.
  2. It is recommended to place the stone in a glass of water overnight. Drink water in the morning.
  3. To restore health, the stone must be held in the hand during meditation.

It is necessary to understand that only real minerals have all the healing properties.

Magical qualities

Azurite has found wide application not only in medicine, but also in magic. With its help, meditations will become more effective. There is a belief that the mineral will reveal the gift of clairvoyance. According to esotericists, with the help of azurite, consciousness will reach a new level, which will have a positive effect on the spiritual development of a person.

  1. The mineral has the following set of magical properties:
  2. Destroys energy blocks and destroys negative programs;
  3. Helps to properly use the energy received from the destroyed blocks;
  4. Helps to recognize lies;
  5. Transforms negative energy into pure energy.
Raw Azurite Stone
Raw Azurite Stone

Thanks to azurite, you can understand when the interlocutor is lying. But this magical property has significant nuances. The owner of the stone shouldn't lie either. Otherwise, the mineral will not only not be beneficial, but also harm. Therefore, azurite is only allowed to be worn by those who lead a decent life and fight for justice.

Who suits

Azurite is recommended for Libra and Aquarius. For representatives of these zodiac signs, the stone will help to recognize lies. Thanks to the mineral, intuition will increase. Azurite is suitable for Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius and Taurus. Compatibility with the stone will not be very good, but it will still bring some benefits to its owner. Thanks to the crystal, representatives of these signs will become more patient and less aggressive.

It is not recommended to wear azurite for Gemini. For representatives of this zodiac sign, the mineral is absolutely useless.

Interesting Facts

  1. The Singing Stone is the largest azurite. Its weight is 4.5 tons. Found a mineral in Arizona in 1997.
  2. Andrei Rublev, working on the creation of "Trinity", used azurite.
  3. The largest and most valuable minerals are usually found in Zaire. In Russia, azurite is mined in the Urals.
