When Will The Film About Mayakovsky Be Released

When Will The Film About Mayakovsky Be Released
When Will The Film About Mayakovsky Be Released

At the Cannes Film Festival in May 2012, Russian actress Chulpan Khamatova, together with Sergei Chliyants and Gia Lordkipanizde, announced that they were beginning to search for sponsors to create the Mayakovsky drama about the life and love of the great Soviet poet.

When will the film about Mayakovsky be released
When will the film about Mayakovsky be released

Six years ago, an actress at the Moscow Sovremennik Theater, known for films such as Doctor Zhivago, Country of the Deaf, Children of the Arbat, and many others, was looking for a script for a potential new role. She got hold of a text written by Alexander Shein and Arkady Vaksberg: a plot for a future film about Vladimir Mayakovsky. The meeting with the director Shane turned out to be not only creative, but also personal luck for the actress: Chulpan became Alexander's wife, gave birth to his daughter. Over the past few years, the creative couple has been collecting additional material for the film about Mayakovsky. In particular, Khamatova goes to consultations and talks to Inna Gens-Katanyan, a relative of Lily Brik, the poet's fatal mistress.

The script is based on the book by Arkady Vaksberg "The Riddle and the Magic of Lily Brick", which made a lot of noise in its time and caused the author's conflict with Lily Yuryevna's relatives. When releasing the novel in a second edition, Weisberg removed several chapters from the narrative. It is not yet known whether their content was included in the scenario of the future picture.

At the Cannes Film Festival, Chulpan Khamatova and Alexander Shein emphasized that the film will focus on the life and love of the great Soviet poet. In particular, his uneasy relationship with two iconic women: Lilya Brik and Tatyana Yakovleva. The proposal to play the muse of the poet, the initiator of the most piquant fact in his biography, is considered by Khamatova herself. The role of Yakovleva, Mayakovsky's Parisian love, according to preliminary data, is "tried on" by the world-famous top model Natalia Vodianova.

The creators of the film "Mayakovsky" promise that viewers will be able to see the drama as early as 2014, despite the fact that the issue of financing the project has not yet been fully resolved. At this stage, there is a search for foreign producers and an actor for the main male role. The director has already noticed that "it will definitely not be Bezrukov."