Why Israel - Enemy Of The Hamas Movement

Why Israel - Enemy Of The Hamas Movement
Why Israel - Enemy Of The Hamas Movement

The conflict between Palestinians and Jews has been going on almost since the founding of the State of Israel after World War II. Currently, the confrontation is between the government of Israel and the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, Hamas.

Why Israel is an enemy of Hamas
Why Israel is an enemy of Hamas

The Hamas party was founded in 1987. It was headed by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin. Initially, Israel was quite calm about the organization and its leader. He was known for his charitable projects and was perceived as a possible opposition to the Palestine Liberation Organization, which promoted very radical views. Hamas was known for propaganda of Islam, but the Israeli authorities at first were not embarrassed by this, they even financed a number of projects of the movement.

Subsequently, the fallacy of the tactics chosen by Israel became clear. The Palestine Liberation Organization decided to abandon terrorist acts and entered into negotiations with the Jewish state. Hamas, on the other hand, became radicalized and refused to conclude a truce. Thus, the place of the leftist party in the conflict and Israel was taken by religious extremists.

The modern demands put forward by Hamas cannot be recognized by Israel. This organization seeks to establish Palestinian authority over the entire territory of Israel, the Gaza Strip and the western bank of the Jordan River. As an interim demand, Israel is proposed to recognize Palestine and return to it all the territories seized as a result of the 1967 military conflict. Zionism is declared a hostile trend, and the Jews are declared the occupiers who have seized the Palestinian lands.

Also, the methods of struggle chosen by Hamas became unacceptable for the Israeli government. These include numerous terrorist attacks, as well as the firing of rockets into Israeli territories close to the borders of Palestinian residence.

Despite the mediation of many politicians and international organizations, peace in the Middle East has not been achieved for a long time. And one of the reasons for this is the insoluble conflict between Hamas and the Israeli leadership.
