Literary review is an obligatory component of any scientific work. It analyzes the currently existing points of view on the issue that is raised in the diploma (dissertation, coursework). The author's task is to study the views of different scientists and find a place for his work among them, to reveal its uniqueness. A literary review can be framed in different ways. For example, it might have several paragraphs in the introduction. In other cases, it is drawn up as a separate chapter. It all depends on the requirements of a particular educational institution and teacher.
It is necessary
- - Literary sources on the topic of your scientific work;
- - the Internet;
- - a computer;
Step 1
Study the maximum amount of literature on the topic about which you are going to write a scientific work. To do this, visit the library. It is best to use the original editions.
Try to refrain from using only e-books. They can be scanned without the required illustrations, diagrams and graphs.
Step 2
After studying each source, write a short synopsis of the main content of the book you read. You can start a special notebook, in which you will write out quotations and theses necessary for your work as you study literature.
Step 3
Begin your work on your literature review early. It can go in several stages. First, establish the order in which literature sources should be presented in your academic work. It depends on the logic in which your own reasoning develops on the chosen topic.
Step 4
Take the chronological principle as a basis and build your acquaintance with the history of the issue in chronological order. Describe what views on the problem you are studying existed, how they evolved. Name the main representatives of scientific thought who worked on this issue, what they achieved in their research, reasoning.
Step 5
Analyze the work of predecessors critically. Indicate the weak points in their works, write down which of the issues remained unanswered. Be sure to indicate the reasons why the authors did not consider this or that side of the issue. Perhaps the reason was the lack of the necessary technology (by the time of research, it might simply not exist yet). Thus, you can determine the place of your research within this question.
Step 6
Briefly describe the scientific goals that the researchers set for themselves. To what extent they succeeded or failed to achieve the desired results. Take your time to lay out your vision on a question in a literature review. State the reasons why you decided to continue researching this topic. You will formulate your tasks and describe the ways to achieve them in the next parts of your scientific work.
Step 7
Write a literature review throughout your thesis. This will make it easier for you to adjust, supplement and make changes at the final stage.