Who Is Alena Piskun

Who Is Alena Piskun
Who Is Alena Piskun

Alena Piskun became famous thanks to the social network VKontakte. This weird girl is posing as a sexy little thing. Her very frank videos are walking on the network, some users even say that Alena Piskun is not a woman at all, but a converted man.

Who is Alena Piskun
Who is Alena Piskun

Alena was born on March 7, 1988. From her VKontakte page, you can find out that the girl was trained by the MPPU "Synergy". She finished her studies in 2013. It is clear that she never worked in the specialty she received, but was actively involved in dubious show projects. Alena recorded songs, performed in erotic (one might even say pornographic) shows.

Piskun became famous throughout Russia after her participation in the Let's Get Married program. On the Internet there is a video cut from the program, where Alena demonstrates her breasts, explaining that this is the only way to lure men into her networks.


It is very interesting to observe the life of Alena Piskun, its development and numerous transformations. The girl actually knows how to surprise a common man in the street, far from metropolitan life. Sometimes it becomes scary when you imagine how her dubious career and such popularity will end.

If you look at the early photographs of Alena Piskun, then a completely different person appears before us. Without bright makeup, she at least a little, but looked like an average, pretty pretty girl, however, numerous plastic surgeries did their job: now you really can doubt the gender of Alena Piskun.


She in herself managed to remake everything. Her nose was especially badly damaged, which underwent more than one surgical intervention. Now she prefers to paint over the tip of her nose with dark paint, which raises many questions from netizens. Some say that, like Michael Jackson, after rhinoplasty, her nose itself darkened, however, Alena is in a hurry to dissuade evil envious people, saying that she purposely paints the tip with a dark pencil to look like a cat.

It is also known that Alena Piskun received a suspended sentence in the spring of 2015 under Article 228, Part 1, of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Some of her videos show that the girl is intoxicated and behaves extremely inappropriately. It was in the spring of 2015 that the girl disappeared from the field of view of netizens, but then returned prettier and recovered by several kilograms (there are rumors that she had undergone drug addiction treatment).


Alena Piskun can be found on a site where girls offer intimate services. There she positions herself as a singer and participant in many television show programs. In fact, she is sometimes invited to take part in the filming of television programs. She is a girl, undoubtedly, bright, benevolent and very cheerful, however, her humor is not clear to everyone.
