Peter Norton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Peter Norton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Peter Norton: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

It is impossible to imagine modern reality without computer technology. The development of information technology has changed the world and the daily life of millions of people. Peter Norton pioneered the creation of computer software.

Peter Norton
Peter Norton

Incentive motives

To accommodate the first generation electronic computers, specially equipped premises were required. Such complexes were used by large companies to solve large-scale problems. In the early 70s, prototypes of personal computers appeared, which were placed on a desk. Peter Norton, a mathematician by profession, used a personal device in his professional activities. As one of the first users of such a computer, he faced certain inconveniences and difficulties in his work.


Norton worked as a programmer at the large aircraft manufacturer Boeing. While developing another program, he accidentally deleted an important file that was located on the hard disk. We managed to survive the unpleasant situation with great effort. As it turned out, the information did not disappear completely, but moved to another segment of the storage device. Peter set himself the task of finding an effective method for automatically recovering accidentally lost data. As a result of purposeful actions, he wrote a program that allowed him to find the lost data.


Starting conditions

The future programmer and entrepreneur was born on November 14, 1943 in an ordinary American family. Parents at that time lived in the small town of Aberdeen, Washington state. After graduating from high school, Peter graduated from the mathematics department at the University of California, Berkeley. By that time, competent programmers in the labor market were in high demand. The programs were created for large computers. A professional career in a large company was developing successfully. When personal computers such as the IBM PC were on the market, Norton began using it for work. It was during that period that an unfortunate incident with the loss of information occurred.


When Norton created a program to recover lost information, computer users reacted to it without much attention. However, after a few months, when computers began to be freely sold in stores, attitudes changed. Almost every user of a personal computer experienced unpleasant sensations, unintentionally deleting the necessary data. After that, doubts about the need for the "UnErase" utility disappeared like morning fog. This product was the first in the market for service programs called utilities.


Recognition and privacy

In the early 1980s, Norton established a company that distributes the Norton Utilites suite of service programs. In this way, he monetized his work and earned a solid capital.

The personal life of the famous programmer and entrepreneur was successful. Norton is legally married. Husband and wife work in the same company, which they own. The children have already grown up. Peter is always glad when his grandchildren and great-grandchildren come to visit them.
