How Women Serve In The Army

How Women Serve In The Army
How Women Serve In The Army

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In some countries, women do military service: somewhere they are subject to compulsory conscription, somewhere they go to the army at will. The best option in this case is a contractual service provided in a number of countries.

How women serve in the army
How women serve in the army


Step 1

Perhaps the most famous country for its female soldiers is Israel. There, their share in the armed forces is over 35%. Women in Israel are called up for military service and go to special women's units, where the standards of physical fitness developed specially for them are in effect. The appeal of women in Israel is mainly due to the specifics of Israeli history and the constant presence of this country in a state of war. However, if a girl is married before being drafted, she is exempt from service. Also, women can be released for ethical and religious reasons, pregnancy, health reasons. Ladies who are in the army serve 21 months, in contrast to men, for whom the term is 3 years. They can return home at night and have some other indulgences.

Step 2

In the United States and Europe (Sweden, Spain, Great Britain, etc.), women have the right, on their own initiative, to serve under a contract on the same terms as men. However, the standards of physical fitness for the two sexes are different - the training program takes into account the characteristics of the female body. Girls can be allowed to control ships and planes, but they cannot be tankers, infantrymen, submariners, serve in special units where hostilities are taking place and direct contact with the enemy takes place.

Step 3

Until recently, women in India were not allowed directly to military service, but could serve in military medical hospitals. In May 2013, a woman who joined the sapper troops for the first time after being abducted committed suicide. In Pakistan, close to India, girls can serve in engineering and medical units. And one lady, a military doctor in this country, even received the rank of general.

Step 4

Conditions of service for women in North Korea are harsh, where they can be legally conscripted for up to 7 years. In the 90s, many joined the army voluntarily, because times were difficult and hungry, and the army had the opportunity to receive food. However, not everyone is hired, but only loyal to the party and girls of good origin. In total, they make up about 10% of the composition.

Step 5

Certain difficulties are associated with the service of women in the army, since conditions for the most effective development of their potential are not provided for them everywhere. And since this phenomenon is quite young on a historical scale, the capabilities of the female body under conditions of intense stress have not been sufficiently studied to ensure the correct regime and standards for the female sex. Often, women try to keep up with men in efficiency and not be inferior in anything. As a result of injury, they receive 3 times more often - this is the conclusion of the British doctors who conducted research on this topic. It can be too hard for girls to wear uniforms and weapons. In addition, there are cases of pressure from men who are not happy to see them on their traditional territory.