Nikolay Tsvetkov: Biography And Personal Life

Nikolay Tsvetkov: Biography And Personal Life
Nikolay Tsvetkov: Biography And Personal Life

The Russian economy is built on private investment. Today the investor is considered the most important entity in the economy. According to the current rules, the size of assets and personal property of effective owners is assessed by independent experts. The results of such assessments are regularly published in Russian and foreign publications. Nikolai Alexandrovich Tsvetkov is one of the domestic entrepreneurs who have created a business with their own hands.

Nikolay Tsvetkov
Nikolay Tsvetkov

Starting conditions

Nikolai Alexandrovich Tsvetkov was born on May 12, 1960 in a working class family. Parents lived in a town near Moscow, which is located not far from the Tushino airfield. A child from an early age saw how people who service aviation equipment live. In these places, documentaries and feature films were often filmed. Naturally, the boy dreamed of connecting his fate with aviation.

Kolya studied well at school. Having received a certificate of maturity, he entered the Tambov Higher Aviation School. He completed his studies with honors and received a referral to the unit for further service. A military career was going well for Lieutenant Tsvetkov. He had to serve in the Far East and take part in hostilities in Afghanistan. The command appreciated the commanding qualities of Nikolai Alexandrovich. He was sent to continue his education at the Air Force Academy.

In 1991, tragic events for the Soviet Union took place - the country ceased to exist. An honored officer, with deep theoretical training and combat experience, had to resign from the armed forces. Finding a decent job in civilian life in the current conditions was not so easy. Tsvetkov tried to give a course of lectures at the Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics. In parallel with teaching, he is studying at the course "management" at the Russian Academy of Economics.

Business as a way of life

The abandonment of planned economic management and the transition to market principles demanded new knowledge and approaches from Russian managers. Nikolay Tsvetkov clearly identifies the priority areas of development. The first step in implementing a specific project was the creation of an investment company. Along with attracting investments, the partners are engaged in the provision of consulting services. Based on the accumulated experience, Nikolai Aleksandrovich defended his Ph. D. thesis.

The topic of the dissertation dealt with the peculiarities of attracting capital to the oil and gas sector of the economy. In the early 90s, the main financial and industrial groups were formed on the Russian market. Nikolay Tsvetkov was invited to cooperate with the Lukoil company. The certified specialist holds the post of the head of the securities department. In 1993 Tsvetkov established his own investment structure, NIKoil. Business is going well, and a few years later Tsvetkov holds a controlling stake in Uralsib Bank.

The personal life of Nikolai Tsvetkov, in contrast to the situation in the financial market, remains stable throughout his life. Husband and wife went through all the trials that fell to their lot. We can say that love helped them, but there are other opinions. Two adult daughters live independently. Parents are not forgotten.