What Is Globalization

What Is Globalization
What Is Globalization

Globalization refers to the transformation of a phenomenon from the scale of one country into a world-class phenomenon. That is, what once concerned one state or some of its territory, in the process of globalization, begins to affect directly or indirectly all the inhabitants of the Earth.

What is globalization
What is globalization

The main result of globalization is the division of labor at the international level, the widespread migration of human and production resources, the international standardization of technical and economic processes, as well as the mutual penetration of cultures of different states.

Globalization encompasses all spheres of social life, and as a result, the world becomes more dependent on its individual parts. However, the process of globalization can be traced especially clearly in the economy - world markets are being formed, the integration of various sectors of the world economy is taking place.

At the end of the last century, world integration reached a particularly rapid pace, which was facilitated by the fall of the Iron Curtain and the collapse of the USSR, as well as the active involvement of China in the world economy and the widespread powerful development of information technologies.

The phenomenon of globalization has both positive and negative consequences. Moreover, various experts, scientists, politicians usually interpret the same consequences of globalization in different ways. Thus, it is obvious that as a result of globalization, a single transnational economic system is being formed, and interstate borders today are becoming less and less significant every decade. This is evidenced by the growing rate of migration of peoples of various countries around the planet. This will potentially lead to the formation of the so-called "sociomonolith" - a society indivisible according to national, political, religious and other characteristics. Some consider this a good trend, while others advocate the preservation of individual cultures and economies in each individual country.

At the same time, it is obvious that the formation of an indivisible integral society is an inevitable consequence of the globalization process, which is gaining momentum today. And the most positive result of such a comprehensive unification of the world can be the solution of one of the most serious problems on a planetary scale, which has not left our planet for thousands of years - the threat of interethnic wars and armed conflicts.

There is a public and political movement of opponents of globalization - anti-globalization. Its members are often prominent scientists, economists, public figures and other activists who criticize the process of global economic, political and cultural integration into a single world community.