What Are The Disadvantages Of Globalization

What Are The Disadvantages Of Globalization
What Are The Disadvantages Of Globalization

Globalization is the process of uniting world economies, integrating cultures and strengthening relations between states. Although globalization is a constant and long-term process, its role in the modern development of the world causes a lot of discussion, since it has many threats and challenges, which are actively discussed by anti-globalists.

What are the disadvantages of globalization
What are the disadvantages of globalization

Cons in the economic sphere

In general, the processes of globalization carry positive dynamics of economic development, but at the same time they have several serious shortcomings.

1. Unemployment. Increasingly, in order to reduce the cost of production, companies are transferring production to less developed countries, where the cost of labor is much lower.

2. Excessive dependence of countries on other players in the international market. The 2008 crisis has shown how closely the countries are interconnected. And the mortgage crisis in the United States has become a global crisis with tangible losses for virtually the entire world.

3. Illegal immigration. This process creates a very big problem for countries with developed economies, the flows of excessive immigration generate waves of unemployment, since it is mostly difficult for immigrants to find work. They often become a big burden for the budgets of the host countries. It also has a very negative effect on the criminal situation in the country.

4. Speculation in the foreign exchange markets. Large flows of international trade necessitated the creation of foreign exchange markets to ensure the solvency of national currencies. From this huge market, speculators extract huge amounts of money every day without producing goods or providing the necessary services. Moreover, their role is so great that they can affect the calculations of exchange rates.

Cons in other areas

In the process of globalization, not only the unification of economies takes place, but also the cultural, social, political and humanitarian aspects of the development of countries.

1. Cultural expansion. Countries with advanced economies often impose their cultural values on less developed countries (for example, Americanization, which more and more countries are facing).

2. Political expansion. Recently, in order to reduce political pressure on the state, countries with stronger economies and political institutions have created political parties on the territory of other countries, which are actually their instrument for ensuring political decisions. A clear example of this is the USSR during the Cold War, which created communist parties in the territories of the satellite countries.

3. Leveling of cultural values. This is considered by many to be the biggest disadvantage of globalization. In connection with the large migration, the expansion of foreign cultures, the convention of borders, peoples cease to have their original values and traditions.

4. "Diversion of minds." All post-Soviet countries have experienced this for themselves. Many professionals, scientists, doctors and promising young people have immigrated to countries with more developed economies, leaving behind a noticeable shortage of personnel.

5. The growing influence of transnational corporations (TNCs) on politics. The colossal financial flows and the role in the formation of the state's economy make TNCs one of the strongest players in the political arena. Using instruments of influence, such as lobbying or corruption, TNCs force the authorities to make decisions in their favor, which is far from always beneficial to the state itself.

6. Stratification of society. Modern technology makes it easier to exchange information every day, and this creates the basis for the spread of various ideas, teachings, cultural and religious influences. Thus, social groups appear on the territory of one state, which are often not peculiar to it and pose a threat to the internal balance of cultures.