What Is Produced In Kazakhstan

What Is Produced In Kazakhstan
What Is Produced In Kazakhstan

For many Russians, Kazakhstan remains one of the most mysterious countries of the near abroad. Little is said or written about Kazakhstan, there are no economic and political cataclysms in it. It is confidently developing, gaining its place in the world economy.

Cotton field
Cotton field

The most difficult period for Kazakhstan fell on the first years after the collapse of the USSR. Against the background of the catastrophic economic decline, Russian-speaking specialists left the republic en masse, many enterprises were closed. Nevertheless, the country managed to overcome this difficult time, and today Kazakhstan ranks first in Central Asia in terms of economic development.

Industrial production in Kazakhstan

One of the main assets of the country is its natural resources. Kazakhstan extracts oil, gas, coal, uranium ore, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It is the export of natural resources and products of their processing that brings Kazakhstan the bulk of its income.

The chemical and petrochemical industries are well developed in Kazakhstan. One of the largest phosphorus production plants in the former USSR operates, the production of phosphorus fertilizers is developed. Fertilizers from Kazakhstan are conquering the markets of neighboring countries, as well as the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Romania, Iran.

Refineries provide the country with their own petroleum products, part of the fuel produced is exported. The chemical enterprises of the country have established the production of chemical fibers, automobile tires, plastics and other various products.

The country is a major gold producer, with more than one and a half hundred gold deposits on its territory. Kazakhstan is one of the leaders in the production of copper, it is exported to various countries, including Germany and Italy.

The production of building materials is also growing every year, this is directly related to the construction boom observed in the country. It should be noted that a huge amount of various building materials were spent on the construction of Astana - the former Tselinograd, the new capital of the country.

Currently, one of the most important tasks for Kazakhstan is the development of light industry, it is planned to gradually replace the widest range of household goods with products of its own production.


The country is one of the largest agricultural producers. Every year, more than 70% of the grown wheat is exported, in terms of grain production in the territory of the former USSR, Kazakhstan is second only to Russia and Ukraine. Other agricultural crops are also grown - corn, sunflower, sugar beet. Kazakhstan is traditionally one of the leaders in cotton production.

Livestock breeding is also developing confidently - large farms are being created, the work of which is based on the most advanced European technologies. The country provides itself with meat and milk, part of the production is exported.

Over the years after the collapse of the USSR, Kazakhstan has come a very long way. The outflow of specialists has stopped, many of those who left the country in difficult years are returning to their homeland. There is no doubt that in the absence of serious global economic cataclysms, the country will continue to confidently develop, steadily expanding its presence in the world market.