Who Are The Rivetheads

Who Are The Rivetheads
Who Are The Rivetheads

Rivethead, Rivethead (riveted head) is a representative of the industrial subculture, the formation of which took place in the late 80s - early 90s. According to one of the versions, the fans of this direction got the name thanks to the compilation "Rivet Head Culture", released in 1993, and the song "Rivethead" by the Chemlab group.

Who are the rivetheads
Who are the rivetheads

Appearance and music

The very word "Rivethead" comes from the English phrase - "Riveter Rosie" (Roise The Riveter), personified women who worked in factories during the Second World War.

The typical style of clothing for the rivethead is "military". The colors are preferred black, as well as camouflage colors. Army boots or simply massive Dr. Martens, Grinders, Camelot, etc. The head, as a rule, is either shaved or worn by mohawks, dreadlocks. T-shirts with either industrial group logos or radioactive symbols, biohazard and other similar hazard symbols. Accessories are selected to look "high-tech", to resemble a cyborg. It can be welding goggles, respirators, rivets, all kinds of microcircuits, nails.

Rivet girls can wear short camouflage skirts, high stiletto heels, corsets, vinyl, leather, and use makeup in unexpected shades quite intensively. Or, exactly the opposite: have a short haircut, shave bald, do not use makeup at all and wear military clothing, including men's. In general, there are not so many girls among this subculture. As a rule, they are closer to the softer aesthetics of cyber Goths, with whom, by the way, rivetheads are often confused due to the similarity of external paraphernalia.

Musical preferences in most cases come down to post-industrial, popular directions such as EBM, Electro-Industrial, Aggrotech, Power Noise, Dark Folk, Dark Ambient, as well as styles close to it: Synthpop, Futurepop, IDM. Some rivets, on the contrary, recognize only "old school industrial".

Aesthetics and worldview

This subculture is close to the topic of post-apocalypticism, interest in science and technology. In the literature, preference is given to cyberpunk and dystopias. Riveheads are characterized by a search for beauty where most people see destruction and death.

Many are fond of forays into abandoned, old factories, destroyed factories, buildings, urban exploration - the so-called. stalking. Information about such objects is very much appreciated, they try to keep them in their original form, which is one of the reasons for the closeness and isolation of the subculture.

Political views can be completely different, most of the rivet are apolitical. They are united only by their negative attitude towards the American way of life and the capitalist system.

For such a negative attitude in America, rivetheads are considered one of the most aggressive subcultures.

There are not many rivetheads in Russia, perhaps this is due to the fact that the subculture is closely related to the cybergoths, and so far there is a separation of one from the other. In America, rivetheads oppose themselves to the Gothic subculture, and in Europe, in most cases, they are part of it.