Where The World Is Heading

Where The World Is Heading
Where The World Is Heading

What happens to the outside world? Someone does not really care about this issue, but others think about the fact that some negative trends are becoming more noticeable. Even if a person is doing well, has a family and work, beloved friends and hobbies, there are still dangers that threaten the whole world, and it is very useful to know about them.

Where the world is heading
Where the world is heading

Excessive consumption

Consumer society - no one takes these words seriously anymore, since you can hear them literally everywhere. But what do they mean? The fact that people are much more interested in the acquisition of material wealth than their own moral condition and spiritual development. Consumption is slavery, into which humanity goes "voluntarily", not noticing that the trap is about to slam shut.

Moreover, consumption is often carried out in such a way that a person, without noticing it, falls into slavery. A car loan, a mortgage, as well as a couple of consumer loans, an empty credit card: are there many who have completely avoided at least one of these forms of material dependence? Often people turn a blind eye to what is happening, because if you face the truth, the situation can terrify anyone. The interest on all loans, the money from which is often spent on meaningless and unnecessary things, is much higher than the most unbearable dues that were imposed on peasants in Russia in the past.

Resources of the planet

The planet's population is steadily increasing, and the level of consumption is increasing every year. For all this, resources are needed, and, moreover, it is not only food, but also energy components. The economies of many countries are already on the "oil and gas needle". Despite the promising developments of scientists and environmentalists, the development of other energy concepts is not very profitable for the owners of the fuel industry, and many people themselves find it easier to use what they already have, so good ideas are not yet widely disseminated. The situation is getting worse every day.

Fanatics and people intolerant of others

Fanatics have always existed, but in the modern world it has become much easier to unite and manage them. All kinds of sects, headed by "teachers" and "gurus", as a rule, are quite harmless, but there are also dangerous varieties. It is usually too late to recognize them.

Often, modern Western people think that among the world's religions, the danger from fanatics comes only in Islam. It is not so, it is enough to remember history. People of all religions, even atheists, display intolerance and radicalism, which often leads to serious conflicts.

Changing of the climate

The climate is changing, global warming is already a modern reality, there is no shortage of evidence for this. The consequences can be completely different, many experts believe that the ice in the Northern Hemisphere will melt, the Gulf Stream will change (which is happening now). This can lead, oddly enough, even to the icing of some part of the land. The level of the world's oceans will rise, the map of the whole world will change. Nowadays, people pretend that nothing is happening at all. And there is no question of any preparation or prevention of this situation.
