What Is Subculture

What Is Subculture
What Is Subculture

Subcultures are developing in many countries. As a rule, the main adherents of such movements are young people. The number of diverse communities and destinations is growing every year.

What is subculture
What is subculture

A subculture is not a hobby club or any other similar organization. A significant and fundamental difference is that the values on which such a community is based are considered more important than those held by all other members of society. The formation of a subculture often takes place along ethnic, geographical, and religious principles. But there are exceptions: it can also appear due to certain age, intellectual and ideological interests. This is how youth subcultures, sects, gay communities, etc. often arise. Subculture presupposes the full involvement of a person. Here he is imbued with the spirit of the community, its history, interests. He begins to live, looking at the world around him through the prism of the charter of a particular minority. Usually, any subculture considers itself elite, exclusive and does not strive for too active expansion of its ranks, although its slogans sometimes illustrate the opposite. In Russia, subcultures appeared not so long ago. In the second half of the 19th century, the student body was finally formed, which can rightfully be called the very first subculture. The authorities could not control the student community, their radical worldview based on scientific knowledge. Subculture adherence manifested itself in their appearance and behavior. In the end, their ideas led to a revolution and a change of power. Political events at the end of the last century also contributed to the creation of informal communities that began to unite young people who form their own priorities and stereotypes of behavior. At that time, traditional education guaranteed a society of young people of 18 years, morally ready to service in the armed forces or study in higher educational institutions, and girls, for whom marriage was sometimes the very first adult event. Thus, the child somehow immediately became an adult and a member of society with all its duties and privileges. A sense of responsibility was instilled from the cradle, which was the best defense against both individual and selfish behavior. The basis of any subculture is a kind of utopia, the belief that, having united, one can freely express oneself. Much depends on the ability of consciousness to "expand", which is an extremely important task of subcultures. Sometimes, being exposed to them, a person may find himself in a serious "dead end" and not have time to get out of it.
