Ramzan Kadyrov's Wife: Photo

Ramzan Kadyrov's Wife: Photo
Ramzan Kadyrov's Wife: Photo

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, is one of the most recognizable politicians in Russia. His wife is not so well known to the general public, although the couple have been together for over 20 years. It was only in 2015 that Russian journalists were able to speak for the first time with this mysterious woman, Medni Kadyrova. She explained her secrecy by the traditions of the Chechen people, which instruct her to take care of her husband, keep the family hearth, raise children, and not show off personal relationships.

Ramzan Kadyrov's wife: photo
Ramzan Kadyrov's wife: photo

The history of Kadyrov's acquaintance and marriage

Ramzan Kadyrov knew his future wife from childhood. They both lived in the village of Tsentaroy and attended secondary school No. 1, which now bears the name of Akhmat Kadyrov. Only Medni Musaevna Aidamirova was 2 years younger, she was born on September 7, 1978. As befits a modest Chechen girl, Kadyrov's future wife during her school years thought only about her studies, and ignored his awkward attempts at communication.

Ramzan and Medni began dating when they were 19 and 17, respectively. First, based on local customs, the girl must consent to courtship in front of witnesses. Then on dates she is accompanied by an older relative who monitors the behavior of the young couple. With Medni, her older married sister went to meetings with her future husband.

According to Kadyrov's recollections, his father pushed him to the decision to marry. Just at that time the First Chechen War was going on, men constantly risked their lives. And Akhmat Kadyrov reminded his son that having created a family, he would have a chance to leave offspring after himself, because every day in the war could be their last. In 1996, Medni accepted Ramzan's offer. After that, matchmakers came to her father to get his permission for the wedding.

The traditional Chechen celebration bears little resemblance to the secular ceremonies that are popular in most of Russia. For example, alcohol is not drunk here at weddings. The bride is taken from the parental home not by the groom, but by a close relative. The newlyweds pronounce their wedding vows separately in the presence of the mullah and witnesses.

As soon as they got married, the Kadyrovs were forced to leave, since military affairs awaited Ramzan. At first, they saw each other in fits and starts and did not even have the opportunity to constantly communicate at a distance, since there were no mobile phones at that time.

Family life


On the last day of 1998, the first-born daughter Aishat was born to the Kadyrovs. Then, with a difference of two years, she had three more sisters - Karina (2000), Khadizhat (2002), Khutmat (2004). The first heir was born to a married couple in 2005, after the death of Akhmat Kadyrov. The boy was named after his deceased grandfather. In 2006 and 2007, his younger brothers Zelimkhan and Adam were born. In addition, in 2007 the Kadyrovs adopted two orphans from an orphanage - the Daskaev brothers. In 2012, their fifth daughter, Ashura, was born, and in 2015, their daughter, Eishat. The youngest member of the family at the moment is their son Abdullah, who was born in October 2016.

Such a huge family certainly requires a lot of attention and energy. Most of the worries about raising children, solving everyday problems are laid on the shoulders of Medni Musaevna. As an exemplary Chechen wife, she is happy to help her husband, giving him the opportunity to fully focus on work.

Religious customs oblige women to wear closed clothes, a headscarf and discourage the use of cosmetics. However, alone with her husband, any liberties are permissible. Kadyrov admitted in an interview that his wife loves to dress up beautifully for him, do his hair, and discreet makeup. In their relationship there is both love and tenderness, just oriental upbringing does not allow exposing these moments for everyone to see.


The wife of the head of Chechnya did not deny that disagreements also occur in their family, but she is trying to be the first to make concessions. Jealousy towards her husband is not alien to her, however, upbringing does not allow him to talk about this. Modesty, humility, devotion to one's man are the main virtues of a Chechen woman. Therefore, Medni Musaevna is calm about the idea that Ramzan will want to marry again someday (religion allows to have 4 wives).

Kadyrov's wife speaks of him as a generous and romantic nature. He loves to arrange surprises for her, to delight her with unusual gifts. For example, for one of his birthdays he presented a flower that grew high in the mountains. For his sake, Ramzan personally climbed to a dizzying height. Medni calls this gift the most beloved and carefully keeps it dried.

What Kadyrov's wife and children do

Despite her huge family, the wife of the head of Chechnya has enough time for self-development and hobbies. In July 2016, she graduated with honors from the Gudermes branch of the Institute of Finance and Law. True, Medni did not appear at the official graduation ceremony, and the document was handed over to Kadyrov's assistant.


The main hobby of Ramzan's wife is the creation of traditional Muslim clothing for women and men. In 2009, Medney created and headed the Firdaws fashion house. The brand's motto is “Elegance in the Traditions of Islam”. Since 2016, her eldest daughter Aishat has been actively helping her in this matter. In the fashion collections presented by the brand, you can find both affordable outfits and exclusive models. Aishat sometimes visits Paris for internships, and receives higher education at the Chechen State University in absentia. Like many Chechen girls of her age, Kadyrov's daughter married early. Her chosen one was the son of a friend and former classmate of her father.

The rest of the children of Medni and Ramzan show no less talents. Daughter Khadizhat in 2016 won the republican stage of the "Student of the Year" competition. Daughter Hutmat, in addition to her excellent studies, runs her own farm with 100 heads of cattle, goats, sheep and chickens.

The eldest sons of Kadyrov are seriously involved in sports, honing their mastery of various types of martial arts. In 2016, they successfully took part in the ultimate fighting tournament in Grozny. All three won confident victories in their weight categories. In addition, Akhmat, Zelimkhan, Adam do not forget to study well, which the proud father once proudly told on his instagram.

In that very rare interview of 2015, filmed for the NTV channel, Medni Kadyrova admitted: "I consider myself a very happy woman, I have a very beautiful family, healthy children, and I have a loving husband."