What Is A Free Society

What Is A Free Society
What Is A Free Society

Striving for freedom, for independence in decision-making is a natural desire of every person. But can a society be truly free, or is it just one of the various utopias of being?

What is a free society
What is a free society

The pursuit of freedom is a basic human need. However, can it be fully satisfied in modern society? Of course not. Absolute freedom today is impossible, since it is limited by the rights and freedoms of other members of society.

Human society has never been and cannot be free, since the term "society" means a society in which there is a social and production division of labor with close interaction of all its members, therefore, a priori, existing in society, it is impossible to do everything that comes to mind. It is important not to infringe on the rights of others by your actions.

The ideas of a free society were most actively promoted by the crowd during the Renaissance. Then people got tired of the harsh fetters of the Middle Ages, and many political and philosophical concepts of a relative free society were developed. Many revolutions were carried out under the slogan "Forward to freedom!"

In modern times, revolutionaries have often played on the innate human love for freedom. Let us recall, for example, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, who solemnly promised the people freedom after the "iron grip" of the Soviet regime. And history remembers plenty of similar examples that happened around the world.

Now the New Age movement, the Venus project and others have become widespread, the main ideas of which are freedom and humanism in society. But the emergence and successful maintenance of such liberal regimes is possible only in a conscious, advanced, highly spiritual society. In other words, in a fairy tale, because planet Earth is unlikely to ever become such a place.

Thus, an absolutely free society is an illusion, and any sufficiently educated and thinking person is aware of this. It is only possible to strive for freedom, but at the same time it is important to act according to your conscience, without losing human dignity, be sure to correlate your actions with the comfort of others.
