Interrogation is an investigative action when the investigator receives from the accused the necessary information on a criminal case. The investigator may summon you to his office or conduct interrogation on your property during an inspection, seizure, or search.

It is necessary
- - knowledge of their rights;
- - a lawyer.
Step 1
Before starting a conversation, ask the investigator if he is going to conduct an interrogation (without entering into the protocol) or interrogation. If the investigator claims that this is a survey and it will not entail special consequences, you have the right to refuse to participate in it. After all, the facts that you tell the investigator can be used against you in the future.
Step 2
If you received a summons by mail, you can ignore it. In this case, you are not threatened with any persecution. But if you signed for receiving the summons brought to you, then you will have to appear for interrogation. Otherwise, you may be forcibly taken for interrogation.
Step 3
Pay attention to the position and surname of the person who is calling you on the summons. The role in which you are called for questioning (witness, suspect or victim) should also be indicated. The address indicated in the subpoena must be the location where the government agency or law enforcement agency is located.
If you wish, you can call this institution and check all the facts. And also offer to conduct an interrogation in your office, where you can be in favorable psychological conditions for you.
Step 4
Before attending an interrogation, check with a lawyer to see if you are legally presented with a summons. If you are unable to appear for questioning, it is best to call the person who calls you and give the reason why you cannot appear. A written notification is also possible (for example, a telegram).
Step 5
Ask the person who calls you to show your ID. Insist that your lawyer be present during the interrogation. If you are refused without explaining the reasons, you have the right to demand that the fact of refusal be entered into the protocol.
Step 6
Say only what you know for sure or have seen in person. Don't answer "vague" questions that lead you to an answer (a profitable investigator). Take your time to answer. Some investigators deliberately use the technique of "speeding up" the conversation. The interrogated becomes confused and betrays himself. Therefore, from the first question "State your name, surname." start responding at your own pace.