Are There Many Long-livers In Russia

Are There Many Long-livers In Russia
Are There Many Long-livers In Russia

Many dream of living a long time, while maintaining a sound mind, good spirits and body. The number of centenarians on the planet is growing rapidly. In Russia, the Caucasus region is traditionally famous for those who have stepped over the 100-year mark.

Are there many long-livers in Russia
Are there many long-livers in Russia

There is no single age at which a person is considered a long-liver in the world. In many countries, these are people who have crossed the eighty-year milestone. In Russia, centenarians are those who are 90 and older.

Currently, the world's population is rapidly aging. Over the past 50 years, the proportion of elderly people among the residents of Russia has increased from 9 to 19%. The number of centenarians is also growing.

Longest live in Japan. There is one person for every 3000 people who have already celebrated their centenary. There are not many of them in Russia.

Centenarians from the past

But if you look into the history of the country, you can find a lot of evidence that many more people lived to be 100-120 years old. In the Alexander Nevsky Lavra there is the burial place of the monk Patermufy, who died at the age of 126, and the monk Abraham, who died at the age of 115.

In 1912, the royal family met with the participants in the Battle of Borodino. A newsreel of this event has been preserved. The elders were 115 years old or more.

The famous Soviet long-liver, Shirali Muslimov, lived until he was 168 years old. A large circulation postage stamp in the USSR is dedicated to this shepherd.

Honored ministers of science and culture

Among the representatives of the science and art of Russia, you can find those who have lived to old age. Choreographer Moiseev and singer Isabella Yurieva died at the age of 101.

Petersburg actress Galina Semenchenko died at the age of 102. She was distinguished by rare kindness and cordiality. She did not drink alcohol, did not smoke. Served herself independently. I went to the store myself, walked the dog.

Record not fixed

Modern people are interested in information about centenarians. Since its inception, not a single long-liver has been registered in the Guinness Book of Records from among the Russians.

The fact is that the age must be documented. And sometimes it is impossible to do it. For many, documents have been irretrievably lost. After all, they were born in the nineteenth century.

Officially, the oldest woman in the world is Japanese Kamato Hongo. She is 115 years old. The man is Yukishi Chuganzhi. This Japanese is 112.

The secret of Caucasian longevity

There are places in Russia where centenarians are more common. These are Dagestan, Chechnya and the entire Caucasus region as a whole.

For example, in Abkhazia there are a large number of centenarians. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the air saturated with negative ions, salts and oxygen. The mountain-sea climate also has a beneficial effect on health.

But natural factors alone are not enough for a long life. Abkhaz centenarians are distinguished by psychological stability, purposefulness and a philosophical approach to life. They do not allow emotions to prevail over reason.

The local population, according to custom, observes the daily routine, alternating physical activity and rest. Eats right. Their food contains little cholesterol. But it is rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

The oldest person on the planet lives in Chechnya. Zabani Khachukayeva turned 124 in 2014. She does not complain about her health. She is engaged in housekeeping, babysitting her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Doctors believe that the age in her passport may be incorrect. She's actually older.
