To prosper in this life, a person needs not only material objects, but also physical health and psychological balance. Preacher Creflo Dollar speaks about this in his addresses to the flock.

Starting conditions
The modern church uses all the achievements of scientific and technological progress. The capabilities of information technology allow you to reach audiences on all continents. Creflo August Dollar is an American television evangelist and pastor who founded the International Church for Changing the World. He delivers his sermons to believers through his own television show called "Changing Your World." He is regularly invited to youth channels, where Creflo acts as an expert and consultant. Today, all of the pastor's speeches are translated into dozens of languages and broadcast around the world.

The future preacher was born on January 28, 1962 into an ordinary American family. Parents at that time lived in a small town in the state of Georgia. My father served at the police station. The mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. Creflo grew up as an energetic, sociable and inquisitive child. On Saturdays he went with his mother to the House of Prayer. I studied well at school. After leaving school, he received a specialized education at the famous Protestant Concord College. After completing his BA in Educational Therapy, he joined the Atlanta State Institute of Psychiatry.

Works and days
Creflo began his career as a preacher in 1986. Only eight people attended the first service, which took place in the school cafe. This fact did not upset the young man and did not shake him in faith. The dollar began to prepare more thoroughly for its performances. The next meeting took place in a prepared room. The young pastor worked tirelessly on his texts. During this period, he performed four times every Sunday in front of different audiences. Gradually, his sermons began to enjoy popularity among the local population.

Creflo's career as a spiritual leader has evolved consistently and gradually. The dollar tried by all possible means to increase the number of its listeners. He willingly accepted invitations to speak on radio and television. After a while, a regular program appeared on the television grid, which Creflo. The next stage in the formation of the Church was the move of the community to a new building. More than eight thousand people can freely accommodate here at the same time. The pastor has his own private plane.

Recognition and privacy
Pastor Dollar teaches his audience about a successful and joyful life, a happy family and financial security. He is the editor of the magazine "Changes", which has a circulation of over 100 thousand copies.
Creflo is ready to talk about his personal life at every sermon. He is legally married to Taffy Bolton. The husband and wife raised and raised five children. Of these, two adopted sons and three natural daughters.