What Is The Largest Circus In The World

What Is The Largest Circus In The World
What Is The Largest Circus In The World

Circus art is very popular in the world. Today, both children and adults are fans of spectacular performances. After all, a modern circus is not only clowns and performances with animals, but also unique themed performances, chic costumes and elaborate decorations.

What is the largest circus in the world
What is the largest circus in the world

The largest circus by size

The largest circus building in the world is the Great State Circus in Moscow. This building, erected in 1971, is unique. After the opening, admiring journalists proclaimed the circus "the best attraction in the world."

There really is something to admire in the Moscow circus. Almost 3500 people can enjoy the show at the same time. The height of the amphitheater is about 36 m. The building of the State Circus is equipped with six arenas. Ice, light, equestrian, interactive and water arenas can quickly replace each other. A good "bonus" is a separate rehearsal arena.

The Moscow circus became the first in Russia to become independent. Today it is based on almost 300 artists of various genres. Every year a new program is staged in the circus.

Both domestic and foreign artists perform on the arena of the Moscow State Circus. The programs mainly consist of classic numbers: with animals, acrobats, clowns, etc. During the New Year's holidays, the circus building turns into a fabulous one: festive events for children are held here.

The largest circuses in the world: other categories

The largest circus can be not only in terms of the building, but also in terms of the number of artists. In this category, the Canadian Cirque du Soleil, created in the Canadian province of Quebec, decisively wins. He became famous in 1984. Then the head of the troupe of street circus performers suggested to the government of the country to organize a tour within the framework of the cultural program "Discover Canada". Since the event was supposed to take place in the summer months, the artists were dubbed the "Circus of the Sun".

Today the circus "du Soleil" is the largest event in the industry. In total, it employs about 5,000 people. A thousand of them are artists, the rest are stage directors, choreographers, costume designers, technicians, etc. Almost 100 well-trained circus performers take part in each performance.

Cirque du Soleil does not work with animals. Only people who are distinguished by flexibility, dexterity, and artistry participate in the performances. Today the circus has become international, bringing together artists from 40 countries on one stage.

The repertoire of the circus "du Soleil" includes 14 programs in which only people participate. Scenery, musical accompaniment, special effects were specially created for each. Costumes deserve special attention: at least 20 kilometers of various fabrics are used annually for their tailoring. It should be noted that the international troupe does not perform in the classical arena, preferring to shock and surprise the audience from an ordinary stage.

The Ringling Brothers Circus is the largest in the world in terms of the number of simultaneously operating arenas. Different numbers are shown at the same time on four platforms and three arenas. However, this is not the whole "trick" of the circus. You should come to the performance in advance: the artists put on make-up, and the animals rehearse tricks right in front of the gathering spectators.