Ochoa Christina: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Ochoa Christina: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Ochoa Christina: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The charming Spanish actress Cristina Ochoa is also a producer and screenwriter. The talented nature is still practically unknown to Russian viewers. At the moment, her most famous work is the television project "American Family".

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

Christina Ochoa Lopez, Aquarius according to the Zodiac, was born on January 25, 1985 in Barcelona.


From the moment the girl was born, her future was predetermined. It was decided to associate the daughter's life with science. External attractiveness will not play any role in its advancement in this field.

It could not be otherwise. The girl is the grand-niece of the Nobel Prize winner Severo Ochoa. Her father was the sculptor Victor Ochoa, famous in Spain.

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

The girl could not remain uninvolved in science and art. Christina received both upbringing and education in the circle of intellectuals. As a child and teenager, the future celebrity traveled a lot. She often had to shuttle between Madrid, Miami and Barcelona.

After leaving school, the girl entered the University of Las Palmas in the Canary Islands. The choice was not made by chance. Like the famous grandfather, the granddaughter was interested in the structure of natural mechanisms. She chose the profession of an oceanographic engineer. Christina also studied Marine Biology in Australia at James Cook University

Study and early career

The beautiful Spanish woman was ready to devote her whole life to oceanology and biology, but the producers and screenwriters of both cinema and TV spheres suddenly became interested in the creative abilities of the charming Spanish woman.

At first, a career was perceived as entertainment. Only after the passage of time did Ochoa realize that it was the new activity that she liked more. She decided to give her more attention and time. The girl moved to Madrid.

There, the aspiring actress turned out to have more interesting prospects for self-realization and becoming. She made her debut as a drama performer at the Washington Little Theater in Alexandria.

On the stage, she got her first experience, combining acting on the stage with filming. Supporting roles in the films “I hate my daughter”, “Looming”, Contact @ me”became TV premiere.

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

The actress admitted in an interview that she considered science to be the work of her whole life. However, only art could fill the void that reigned in her soul.

Television and film production

Ochoa decorated the painting "Cats Dancing on Jupiter" with a game. However, the directors and scriptwriters of large-scale projects, who reacted with restraint to her work, were in no hurry to offer. Christina decided to act on her own, taking up filmmaking.

The energetic Spaniard launched a company called “QE,” “Quantum Entanglement.” In 2011, she released the film “Stay with Me.” The film was a success, winning awards at film festivals in America and Europe.

Ochoa acted as the producer of the film. The performer has few roles. But the actress is not upset by this. She doesn't focus on performance. The girl expands her horizons, trying her hand in various fields and directions.

In 2014, a tireless nature as a director worked on the film "Just Know". At the same time, the girl took part in writing the script for the series "Chaotic Awesome". From 2012 to 2014, filming of the projects "Matador" and "Neighbors" continued.

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

Until 2016, short stories for The American Family were created on the set. Christina acted as a performer of one of the main roles. In the crime series "By the Laws of the Wolf" Ochoa got the role of Renn Randall.

The Spaniard gained popularity after working in the films "Bloody Race" and "The Animal Kingdom". She embodied the images of the main characters on the movie screen.

In the series "Valor" in 2017-2018, Ochoa played the officer Nora Madani. And in the new project "A Million Little Things", which will be released in 2018, she got the character Ashley.

Personal life

To fans, an attractive girl does not get tired of reminding her of her sexuality. Christina uploads seductive pictures in swimsuits and without them to her Instagram account.

In 2018, a photo of her in a bathing suit graced the spreads and covers of the best-selling glossy magazines in the world. The heart of the burning Spanish flu is free. She has neither children nor a husband yet.

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

Ochoa made two attempts to establish a serious relationship. She dated actor Nathan Fillion. The relationship ended in 2014.

After Christina began an affair with a colleague in the shop Derek Theler. But in 2016 this couple also broke up. A talented performer realizes herself in the roles of an actress, screenwriter, producer and director. At the same time, she is a successful model. Everything works out perfectly.

She even managed to try her hand at journalism. The first celebrity article was published in the Spanish edition of Vogue magazine. The girl reviews books, often writes on topics of interest to her for the media. Christina has a monthly personal column in El Imparcial magazine.

Despite her passion for television and film activities, the girl did not leave science. After receiving specialized education in universities, she became a shark specialist. The filmmaker expands his cognition skills at the National University of Distance Learning in the direction of "Physics".

From 2009 to the present, Ochoa is a member of MENSA, an organization that brings together people with a high intellectual performance. Christina is also included in the Los Angeles Committee on Science for Society. The organization specializes in promoting scientific literacy.

Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life
Ochoa Christina: biography, career, personal life

The actress, marine biologist and writer managed to demonstrate her knowledge during her participation in the production of the scientific podcast of the comedy "Professor Blastoff". Christina has completed over two thousand dives worldwide as a PADI Certified Dive Master.
