Andrey Shlyakhovoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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Andrey Shlyakhovoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Andrey Shlyakhovoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Andrey Shlyakhovoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Andrey Shlyakhovoy: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The banking system of the Russian Federation is built in the image and likeness of European and American structures. The formation of each bank took place in the difficult conditions of the transition of the country's economy to market rails. Andrey Shlyakhovoy made his contribution to this process.

Andrey Shlyakhovoy
Andrey Shlyakhovoy

Reinterpreting a well-known saying, we can say that bankers are not born, but become. Andrey Zakharovich Shlyakhovoy is well known in the banking sector as an experienced and competent manager. His name appears regularly in television news and on the pages of business publications. This is partly due to the processes and events that take place in the financial and economic sector of the economy. At the current moment in time, all world-renowned specialists are under the constant attention of journalists and experts.

Andrei Shlyakhovoy was born on January 8, 1960 in a family of employees. Parents at that time lived in Khabarovsk. His father worked as an economist at a machine-building enterprise, his mother taught mathematics at a technical school. The childhood years of the future entrepreneur proceeded according to the standard scheme. The boy did well at school. Mathematics and economic geography were his favorite subjects. Andrey was actively involved in sports. His older brother brought him to the boxing section. Already in high school, Shlyakhova Jr. adequately defended the honor of his team at city and regional tournaments.


Having received a certificate of maturity, Andrei without much effort entered the accounting department of the local institute of national economy. In his student years, he successfully combined training with sports. The standard of the master of sports of the USSR in boxing, Shlyakhovoy fulfilled at the age of nineteen. In 1982, the graduate went to work at the branch of the Khabarovsk Savings Bank. After a short period of time, he was sent to graduate school at the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics.

Upon completion of the special course, Shlyakhova defended his Ph. D. thesis on the topic "Accounting and analysis of the economic activity of an enterprise in terms of cost accounting." An additional level of education helped the future banker to easily navigate the processes of restructuring the national economy to market principles. Returning to his place of permanent residence, in Khabarovsk, from the very first days he began to build his personal career. In the spring of 1989, Andrei Zakharovich initiated the creation of the Dalcombank Joint Stock Company.


At the presidency

In the dashing 90s, as they say today, the commercial bank "Dalcombank" ranked among the twenty largest credit institutions of the Russian Federation. It can be said with good reason that Andrei Zakharovich Shlyakhovoy made a significant contribution to the formation and development of small business in the Far Eastern region. With great difficulty, the bank managed to remain operational after the infamous 1998 default. As a result of risky operations and creativity, the president of the bank Shlyakhovoy managed to maintain the achieved positions.

However, such events do not pass without a trace. In 2010, Andrey Shlyakhovoy was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Two years later, the native "Dalcombank" joined the structure of the MBRD as a Far Eastern branch. At that time, the banking sector was undergoing cardinal updates. To attract customers, ATM networks were created. At the same time, the production of plastic cards was carried out by foreign companies. New competencies were required from leading managers.


Within the framework of new trends, MBRD was renamed into “MTS-Bank”. And not just renamed, but fundamentally changed the concept. Since 2012, the main efforts of the banking structure have been focused on servicing individuals. No, the bank has not stopped working with small businesses, but this service has ceased to be considered the main one. In 2015, Andrei Shlyakhovoy was forced to leave his post. The management of "MTS-Bank" sued him in the amount of 1 billion rubles. Shlyakhovy managed, as they say, to fight back. After which he acquired the ownership of KB Agrosoyuz.

In the fall of 2018, this bank came to the attention of curators from the United States. Sanctions were imposed on Agrosoyuz for cooperation with companies from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the license for the right to engage in banking activities from CB Agrosoyuz. Andrey Shlyakhovoy decided to start distributing Russian TV channels abroad. To date, negotiations are underway with Channel One. It is important to note that all Russian TV channels are interested in entering foreign broadcasting.


Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of Andrey Shlyakhovy. All sources emphasize that he is an active supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Never smoked. I drank alcohol in small quantities and only at official events. For many years he served as the President of the Far Eastern Boxing Federation. He made a worthy contribution to supporting children's sports schools. Andrey Zakharovich holds the title of Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.

In the family life of Andrei Zakharovich, not everything is so bad. The banker is married twice. In the first marriage, the husband and wife raised two sons. There is no reliable information about the reasons for the divorce, only speculation and rumors. In the second marriage, Shlyakhova had a daughter, who was named Eve. The family lives in Moscow. They also have an apartment in Khabarovsk, where the head of the family spends up to three months a year.
