Elena Posevina: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Elena Posevina: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Elena Posevina: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Professional sports are not for the faint of heart. This rule applies equally to men and women. Elena Posevina twice became the Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics.

Elena Posevina
Elena Posevina

Starting conditions

It takes tremendous effort to achieve impressive success in any field of activity. And in art and in sports, it is necessary to have abilities given by nature. Elena Aleksandrovna Posevina was born on February 13, 1986 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents lived in the ancient Russian city of Tula. My father worked at an engineering company. Mother taught physical education at a local technical school. In the past, she played sports herself.

The girl grew up smart and purposeful. Already at the age of five, her mother enrolled her in the gymnastics section. Lena was distinguished by excellent coordination of movements. She was flexible and responsive. At this time, the city school of rhythmic gymnastics was formed. A special coach came to the kindergarten to look at the girl who showed good promise. After short negotiations with her parents, Posevina was transferred to the rhythmic gymnastics section.


It is important to emphasize that in Tula they were serious about raising the younger generation. Creative contests and sports competitions among children in the age group were carried out systematically. Elena showed good results. When she was eleven years old, it became clear that the girl was capable of becoming an outstanding athlete. She was transferred to the Olympic Reserve School. This educational institution was based in Nizhny Novgorod. Lena collected the most necessary things and left for a new place of residence. One. Without parents and relatives.

It is important to note that while receiving special education, athletes, future champions and record holders, were busy from early morning until late at night. The workouts were interspersed with classroom work and homework. Free time was allocated in order to relax a little, read a book and write a letter home. Already in adulthood, Posevina admitted that she had no childhood, in the usual sense of the word. But at the age of fourteen she was included in the national team of the country.


The path to Olympus

In team sports, it is very important to achieve the greatest possible harmony in the relationship between the athletes. Psychological compatibility, emotional attitude, and mutual support create the environment necessary for victory. Posevina successfully performed at the national championship. She was enrolled in the national team to compete at the 2003 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Budapest. The Russian team won gold medals. Elena made her contribution to the overall victory.

The following year, the famous city of Athens hosted the next Summer Olympics. By this time, both teammates and rivals knew well the strengths and weaknesses of Elena Posevina. Competitions of the Olympic level are always characterized by increased tension. Endurance and timely concentration of forces are required from athletes. Much depends on the head coach and team captain. The Russian women demonstrated excellent performance technique in all sections of the program and took the highest step on the podium.

The Russian gymnasts spent the period of time between the Olympiads performing at prestigious tournaments. In 2005, the world championship was held in the hospitable city of Baku. The Russian gymnasts clearly fulfilled all the instructions of the coach and became the first. Then they confirmed their star status at the European Championship, which was hosted by Moscow. Among other athletes, for high sporting achievements and contribution to the development of physical education, the Government of the Russian Federation awarded Elena Posevina the Order of Friendship.


Personal life plots

The sports career of the outstanding gymnast was successful. In 2008, at the Beijing Olympics, Posevina served as the team captain. According to the estimates of many observers and participants in the competition, events in the competition developed dramatically. Injuries literally haunted the Russian women. No one is to blame for this, but sprains and bruises cause unbearable pain. The day before the final performances, Elena could not step on her leg - the swelling of the ankle joint did not respond to treatment. And yet she went out to the performance.

After completing the victorious performance, Posevina announced her retirement from the big sport. The titled athlete began to engage in coaching and the popularization of rhythmic gymnastics. For several years, tournaments for the prizes of Elena Posevina have been held in different cities of Russia. In the fall of 2018, the competition was held in Novosibirsk. Girls from four years of age and older can demonstrate their skills. The main task of such events is to energize children and show an example of striving for the intended goal.


Friends and former teammates help Posevina in organizing tournaments. According to all external data, the two-time Olympic champion is happy in her personal life. She is married to an independent man named Blazhevich. The husband and wife are raising a son, who was born in the fall of 2017. The boy was named Harry. Perhaps the parents are going to move permanently to America. But this is nothing more than guesswork.