When Is Lyuba's Name Day

When Is Lyuba's Name Day
When Is Lyuba's Name Day

The name Lyuba is not in the Christian church calendar. This name completely sounds like Love. In the Orthodox calendar, two saints are displayed, named after one of the main Christian virtues.

When is Lyuba's name day
When is Lyuba's name day

Of the two Christian Orthodox saints with the name Lyubov, the holy martyr of the Roman youth is known, as well as for Christ's sake the holy fool Lyudmila Ryazanskaya.

The memory of Lyudmila Ryazanskaya is celebrated in conciliarity on the day of remembrance of all Ryazan saints (the holiday was established in 1987, the date was set to June 23rd). Saint Ludmila became famous for the feat of foolishness, which is a "madness" visible to many, at a time when, through this "foolishness" the saint cultivated in himself a sense of humility and meekness. Many fools for Christ's sake possessed the gift of insight and miracles. These saints fought in great deeds of prayer and fasting.

Most women with the name Love celebrate their name day on September 30, the day when the Christian Church commemorates the holy martyrs Love, Hope, Faith and their pious mother Sophia. This holiday has found its reflection in Russian culture in the form of many churches erected in honor of the holy martyrs.

Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia suffered in Rome in the second century during the reign of the empire of Hadrian. The blasphemous Christian Sophia became a widow at an early age. She had to raise the girls alone. The mother managed to instill in her children a love for God and Christian values so that even at such a young age there was nothing more worthy for girls than faith in Christ.

At the time of her death, Vera was twelve years old, Nadezhda was ten. Love was the youngest of the daughters - she was only nine years old. The emperor, having learned about the faith of the holy family, decided to force the girls to worship the pagan gods. After the refusal, it was decided to cruelly torture Christians. At the same time, only Sofia's daughters were subjected to physical torture, and the mother herself was forced to watch the torment of her children, which in itself was a great suffering for Sofia. However, the holy mother strengthened her daughters in the faith, who themselves endured torment.

Around the year 137, the saints Love, Hope and Faith, after various torments, were called by God into the Kingdom of Heaven. Soon (on the third day after the burial of the daughters) mother Sophia herself also died, who grieved very much about the death of the girls, but did not abandon the Christian hope of meeting them in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Particles of the relics of the holy martyrs are currently in various churches. For example, an ark with a great common Christian shrine is kept on the holy Mount Athos.
