Who To Pray For Travelers

Who To Pray For Travelers
Who To Pray For Travelers

In the Christian tradition, before an important trip, it is necessary to ask not only the blessing of the priest, but also to pray that the Lord will save a person during the trip. There are certain prayers that are used before traveling.

Who to Pray for Travelers
Who to Pray for Travelers

Both familiar people of tourists and travelers themselves can pray for travelers. First of all, you need to turn in prayer for help on your journey to God. There is a prayer in Orthodox prayer books, which is called the "Prayer for Travelers". Those who do not have a prayer book can turn to God in their own words, asking for blessings on the journey.

In the Orthodox Church there is a certain prayer for travelers. It's called that. In any Orthodox church, you can order the commemoration of those people who are going on the road. In prayer petitions, the clergyman asks for God's help for travelers, asks the Lord to send a guardian angel to people who are going on their way.

There are special prayers in front of the icons of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken" and "Iverskaya". The Most Holy Theotokos is the main intercessor for people. Therefore, those who wish to hit the road can turn to the Virgin Mary.

Of the saints who have a special grace to help people on the journey, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker stands out. You can read a prayer to St. Nicholas and order him a prayer service in an Orthodox church.

In addition, those who want to hit the road can also pray to their guardian angel, who helps a person during his earthly life in all needs.
