Why Kiev Is So Called

Why Kiev Is So Called
Why Kiev Is So Called

Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, is a very beautiful city. It is full of different sights, legends and legends. Also, there is a legend about the founding of this city, which many Ukrainians know from childhood.

Why Kiev is so called
Why Kiev is so called

The most common and reliable is the legend of three brothers: Kie, Scheke, Horeb. They also had a sister Lybid. Kiev was named after the elder brother Kiy. He is considered the legendary founder of this city. Two chronicle legends have been preserved about Kie.

Both legends have a right to exist. There is evidence in favor of both the first and the second. Everyone decides for himself what to believe in.

One of them says that Kiy was a carrier across the Dnieper, and this place was later called Kievsky.

The second legend tells that Kiy and his two brothers were Polyan princes who founded three cities. After some time, they merged into one city. And this city was named after the elder brother.

The opinion of historians and archaeologists

Historians are more inclined to the second legend, consider it more reliable and convincing.

This version is also confirmed by archaeological excavations, which proved that there were several settlements on the site of Kiev, which after some time merged into one city.

Did Kiy really live?

Many are skeptical about this person and do not believe that there are reliable facts confirming that Kiy really existed and that he was the founder of the city of Kiev.

But not all historians and chroniclers think so. For example, Nestor the Chronicler considered Kiy a real historical figure. And in his notes he mentioned him and claimed that he was the founder of Kiev.

Nestor the Chronicler is one of the authors of The Tale of Bygone Years, which mentions the founding of Kiev.

Also, during excavations on Starokievskaya mountain, the remains of the most ancient city of the 7th century were found. Those excavations proved that Kiy is a real historical person and that he is the founder of the city.

The meaning of the name Kiy

One of the meanings of this name is a staff, a rod. Also, this name can mean a club, a war hammer, and from the Turkic - a high bank.

No one knows when Kiy received this name: from birth, or he received, as an adult, from his contemporaries for some merits or for military valor and a penchant for travel. This remains a mystery.

Kiev today

Kiev is already several hundred years old. It still never ceases to delight its residents, as well as guests and tourists with its grace and beauty. Only 42% of the entire territory is built up. The rest of the territory is occupied by green areas, reservoirs and parks. The chestnuts, which usually bloom in May, are considered an honorary symbol of the city.
