How Rock Musicians Differ From The Rest

How Rock Musicians Differ From The Rest
How Rock Musicians Differ From The Rest

At the mention of rock music, older people start angry tirades, and teenagers plunge into the world of sweet dreams, because in the minds of the average person, the life of a rock musician is a constant carnival.

How rock musicians differ from the rest
How rock musicians differ from the rest

Western option

Rock music took shape in a separate niche in the late 1960s as the evolution of rock and roll and derivatives of psychedelic trends. The 1970s and 1980s were the apogee of the development of rock, it was then that most modern genres appeared - hard rock, heavy metal, thrash metal, glam and others. It was then that parent organizations around the world took up arms against rock figures like Ozzy Osbourne and Tommy Lee. The reason was their deliberately cultivated image that was incredibly attractive to teenagers - parties, unbridled behavior, sexual intemperance, drug use.

Drugs have become a catalyst for the rock movement, as drug trafficking flourished in Western countries in the 1970s and 1980s. Marijuana, cocaine, synthetic drugs in those years took possession of the minds of millions. And such creative personalities could not pass by such a powerful stimulant. The cocaine mountain parties hosted by many rock bands (like Motley Crue) are legendary.

Sexual promiscuity also sparked public outcry. KISS bassist Gene Simmons, in a memoir, claims to have had sex with more than 3,000 women in his lifetime. Such frankness shocked even the then Western society with its ideals of freedom and feminism.

Of course, the rockers weren't the first in their wild life. Even jazzmen at the beginning of the 20th century aroused the disgust of respectable parents by the fact that they all sat on heroin and led a dissolute lifestyle. Rock music simply brought its life to the stage and the covers of magazines, elevating everything to the absolute.

Rock musicians in Russia

In Russia, where rock music was banned for a long time, the life of a rock musician was covered with an aura of romanticism. In the last years of the USSR, the rock musician was perceived as a brave fighter against the system, a poet of freedom. Not possessing extensive material resources, they led the ordinary life of a Soviet citizen during the day, and in the evenings they tormented the strings of poorly tuned guitars, kicking themselves with a bottle of cheap port. The collapse of the USSR and the opening of the borders showed that their music was often of poor quality a copy of Western albums, and their poems about the eternal struggle were not needed, since there was nothing to fight with. The old people went underground, and modern Russian rockers no longer differ much from their counterparts from abroad, except that the lower level of material security does not allow them to purchase more or less decent equipment, and the desire to tell the "truth" drowns out the desire to create music that is good from the point of view of technology …

Today's realities

Today rock has "settled down". If slutty parties are held, then behind closed doors, the remnants of the past, rockers of the 80s, have become law-abiding family men, occasionally giving interviews and laughing about those times. Don't think, however, that rock is just parties. First of all, this is music that is difficult to perform, and only those who are ready to constantly improve and improve musically can become famous. This is the essence of a rock musician, what sets them apart is a wild mixture of irresponsibility and professionalism.