Slavnikova Olga Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Slavnikova Olga Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Slavnikova Olga Alexandrovna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Success in the literary field is not easy. This requires talent and perseverance. Olga Slavnikova fully possesses the necessary abilities.

Olga Slavnikova
Olga Slavnikova

Starting conditions

Observant people have long noticed that the Urals has a fertile climate for creativity. Musicians, artists and writers are born here regardless of the current political situation. Olga Aleksandrovna Slavnikova was born on October 23, 1957 in a family of Soviet engineers. Parents lived in Sverdlovsk. A child from a young age grew up in a favorable environment. The girl was accustomed to systematic work and accuracy. Olga learned to read and count early. There were many books in the house, and she read everything.

Slavnikova studied well at school. She actively participated in public life and amateur performances. She gave preference to her favorite subjects, mathematics and physics. She won prizes at city and regional Olympiads in mathematics. At the same time she attended the section of lovers of Russian literature. When it was time to choose a specialty for the rest of her life, Olga decided to enter the journalism department of the local state university. The house openly did not approve of the daughter's choice.

The path to the profession

The biography of the writer develops under the influence of various circumstances. Olga Slavnikova received a journalism education and came to work at the editorial office of the famous Ural magazine. As an editor, she had to read manuscripts that authors brought and sent by mail. The work is very tiring and even harmful. Then suitable works were edited and prepared for publication on the pages of the magazine. A bad example is contagious and after a while she herself tried to write stories and short stories.

Slavnikova's works periodically appeared on the pages of her own magazine and in collective collections of young writers. The first novella, entitled "Freshman", was taken up by the comrades for a long time and refused to publish. Meanwhile, irreversible changes have taken place in the country. The Soviet regime was replaced by democracy and the market. Olga decided to put aside her writing and take up the book trade. Business, as they say, did not go. And in the mid-90s, she again sat down at the computer keyboard.

Essays on personal life

The starter novel about a huge dragonfly, the size of a dog, published in 1997, was awarded the Booker Prize by a brilliant jury. Then the book "One in the Mirror" saw the light and again the prize of the magazine "New World". The career was developing quite satisfactorily. Over the past period, Slavnikova learned how the near-literary get-together lives. In 2003, the writer moved to Moscow. Here she took the position of distributor of the Debut literary competition.

You can write a heartbreaking story about Olga Slavnikova's personal life. She got married three times. In recent years, the writer has lived with the poet Vitaly Pukhanov. Husband and wife are engaged in the same business. They are united by a love of literature. Three children from different marriages grow and develop in the house. Children are given equal attention, the elder is already making Olga Aleksandrovna happy with his grandchildren.
