Does The Jerusalem Wailing Wall Grant Wishes

Does The Jerusalem Wailing Wall Grant Wishes
Does The Jerusalem Wailing Wall Grant Wishes

There are many interesting architectural monuments preserved in the world, testifying to this or that event. One of them is the Jerusalem Wailing Wall, which, according to popular belief, fulfills the wishes of people.

Does the Jerusalem Wailing Wall grant wishes
Does the Jerusalem Wailing Wall grant wishes

The Sacred Wailing Wall is located in the main square of Jerusalem. It is made up of huge stone boulders with a yellow tint. Every year, thousands of tourists from different parts of the world come here to make a prayer and tell the Great Wall their deepest desires.

There are several legends regarding the appearance of the Western Wall. It is known for certain that it appeared during the reign of King Solomon. One of the legends says that this is the western wall of the Temple of the Lord, erected by the poor on their savings and survived after a big fire. All other walls collapsed, and the Wailing Wall managed to withstand, like a courageous warrior.

It is a long-standing tradition that men pray on one side of the wall and women on the other. It is not customary for Jews to overshadow themselves with the sign of the cross. Many of them walk away from the Wall, backing away, thus expressing their genuine respect for the shrine.

People who have visited the Wailing Wall say that they experience some kind of amazing warmth coming from the building, invisible benevolent light. To touch the Wailing Wall and put a note with wishes in the crevice between the stones, you need to wait in a long queue, there are always a lot of people near the shrine. This tradition has arisen relatively recently, several hundred years ago. Pilgrims who came to Jerusalem from afar were the first to put notes with their desires into the Wall. And since the way home was dangerous for them, the believers asked God for protection, setting out their requests on paper.

What happens to these notes? On one of certain days, priests come to the wall, take out the notes and bury them in the ground here, at the Wailing Wall. At the same time, they read a special prayer.

It is not known for certain whether the Jerusalem Wailing Wall fulfills the desires of people. There are many facts supporting the widespread belief. One thing is for sure: the constantly offered prayers of thousands of people near her speak of the Wall giving hope.
