What Kind Of Vision Can You Drive

What Kind Of Vision Can You Drive
What Kind Of Vision Can You Drive

To drive a car, it is not enough to know perfectly the rules of the road or to be able to drive brilliantly. There are health restrictions, in particular, poor vision, in which it is forbidden to drive a vehicle, as this can be dangerous to the life and health of road users.

What kind of vision can you drive
What kind of vision can you drive

Reasons for refusal to issue a certificate

There are certain reasons why the optometrist is obliged to refuse to issue a certificate to obtain a driver's license.

If the vision of a potential driver is below the established standards, the certificate may be refused. As a rule, in people with poor vision, one eye sees better than the other, therefore, for category B, the norm of visual acuity is not lower than 0, 6 and worse than a seeing eye, not lower than 0, 2, for category C, not lower than 0, 8 and 0, 4 respectively.

If the vision does not meet the standards, it is possible to drive with glasses or lenses, but there is a limitation of up to ± 8 diopters and the difference between the right and left eyes is no more than three diopters. Otherwise, the certificate will not be given.

Conducting a color perception test (using special tables) is necessary when determining the colors of a traffic light, since not distinguishing between colors can lead to sad consequences. Since this anomaly cannot be corrected with glasses and contact lenses, this is a serious barrier to obtaining a driver's license. There is an exception - if a person already has driving experience and has a mild degree of color blindness, he can get the license again.

In some eye diseases, a narrowing of the field of vision is observed. For category B and C, this indicator cannot be lower than 20 degrees. For categories D and E, the narrowing of the angle of view is unacceptable. Since this pathology cannot be corrected with glasses and contact lenses, it is prohibited to drive a vehicle.

If there are rather dangerous eye diseases, for example, such as cataracts, glaucoma and others, it is impossible to obtain a medical permit.

What vision is it allowed to drive?

If a person has excellent eyesight and there are no other contraindications, according to Russian legislation, he has every right to drive a vehicle. But if a person suffers from myopia, this is not a reason for depriving him of driving a car. In this case, vision can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. If there are more serious vision pathologies, even in this case, a person can be allowed to drive, provided that they are successfully corrected.

There are cases of dishonest passing of a medical examination. Such a driver is a dangerous road user, because blurry vision, a narrow viewing angle, and incorrect color perception impede full control of the situation on the road.