What Is Writing For?

What Is Writing For?
What Is Writing For?

Writing is one of the oldest ways of transmitting information in various media, be it parchment, paper, or even stone. In a broader sense, writing is one of the forms of existence of the human language. It is worth figuring out what it is for.

What is writing for?
What is writing for?

At the very beginning of the development of civilization, man always had a need to transmit information over long distances, but he did not have modern data transmission capabilities. To be understood by another person hundreds of kilometers away from him, he used images of the simplest objects that surrounded him: birds, mountains, fish, all kinds of household utensils and so on. It was one of the oldest forms of writing - subject writing. Then pictograms, hieroglyphs appear, only then did the alphabet emerge.

Writing has many roles, one of which is expressive. No matter how developed oral speech may be, a person will never be able to walk hundreds of kilometers to his distant relative for just a greeting. Therefore, mail appeared - one of the first ways to transmit messages and data over long and short distances. Mail would never have arisen if mankind did not have writing. But it (the post office) is now in decline, because with modern technology, the written language can be transmitted over an unlimited distance in a split second.

Writing has one more, no less important function - educational. With the help of a variety of written media, humanity can transfer its knowledge from person to person, from generation to generation. Also, with the help of writing, it is possible to save various data for many years.

All of the above suggests that writing is a necessary attribute of a developed civilization. The letter allows you not only to store and transmit data, but also does it exactly, literally. Information is transmitted by means of writing unchanged, which makes it possible to apply the same knowledge in different parts of the world.

Writing is an essential attribute of any developed culture. Knowledge about many monuments of culture, art, literature would not have been known if not for written sources. The higher the level and complexity of the writing, the higher the cultural level of the speakers of this language.

Writing is part of the social sphere of society, because language in any of its forms is a way of communicating with people around. With the help of any forms of language, it is possible to be understood by people in exactly the way in which a given person needs it.