What Is Creed?

What Is Creed?
What Is Creed?

The credo is faith, convictions and views, formed by the personality of each. They move a person forward. It is formed independently, taking into account the attitudes, personal interests and beliefs carried out in society. The concept is found in religion, politics, science, pedagogy and philosophy.

What is creed?
What is creed?

The word "credo" comes from Latin, it is translated "I believe, I believe." In the modern world, this concept is understood as beliefs, the foundations of the worldview. In a religious sense, it is a symbol of faith (Catholic Church).

Creed in human life

What drives our actions when a decision is made? Usually psychologists talk about internal laws, beliefs. Having formulated your life credo, you can:

  • evaluate your principles;
  • see and determine the path to achieve the goal;
  • correlate your strengths with opportunities and realities.

Often a person devotes so much time to routine affairs, forgetting about their dreams and values. Determining the credo, there is a motivation for further internal growth. It is important not only to formulate it in your head, but also to transfer it to paper. Hang it in a prominent place, then your motto will help determine values, goals, expectations. Every time the question arises about which direction to move in, you can refer to the records. This will give ground for thought, the concept of the correct direction.

To draw up a life credo you need:

  • think about how you want to see yourself;
  • write down your desires and goals;
  • define life values, do not deviate from them.

Principles don't always help along the way. If you follow them, flexibility in behavior is lost, new opportunities are missed. However, it is they who turn out to be that necessary link that helps to make the most responsible decision in life.


There are universal principles that allow you to influence the worldview:

  • The information received is immediately implemented in life. There is no point in accumulating it without the possibility of using it.
  • Take responsibility for every decision you make. Don't change the world, start with yourself. By adjusting your beliefs, you will change the world.
  • Consciously shape your surroundings. Let only those who give the opportunity to grow, to achieve their goals be there. Don't trade your life for imaginary commitments and attachments.
  • Develop confidence, for this you need to fulfill all the obligations given to yourself.
  • Set ambitious goals, implement them in your subconscious. As soon as they find themselves "in the subcortex", they begin to be realized.
  • Work on your thinking every day: do not judge other people, do not radiate the energy of need. The latter slows down progress, deprives one of freedom.

Employment credo

Some employers ask for a creed. This is done in order to see the applicant from the other side. When compiling it, one should rely on the specifics of the activity that is planned to be performed.

There are universal qualities that will help with this. These include resistance to stress, performance, ability to work in a team, and others. Try to jot down some wording ahead of time on a piece of paper. This will help you not only look your best in front of the employer, but also engage in self-analysis and your own development in the future.

The credo can look like the principles by which a person is guided in work. For example, “You need to learn something new every day, be open to gain experience. Then life will be filled with meaning."

What is political credo?

It refers to political beliefs and views. They are a reflection of the prevailing view of the principles of social and political life. The concept includes an understanding of the nature of power, political functionality and the system as a whole.

The political credo is connected, on the one hand, with the understanding by each person of the social and political sphere of his life, with the search for his place in the system. Aspiration forms an evaluative position. On the other hand, the worldview can be universal. In this case, it turns into a political ideology.

The credo in politics has three main functions:

  1. Coordination. Forms common goals in society, creates patterns for behavior, forms an attitude towards a particular event.
  2. Integrating. The credo unites views, ideas, forming the integrity inherent in each member of society.
  3. Guide. Faith allows you to unite society, make it move towards the goal.

The main characteristic of the political credo is its integrity and the ability to provide the right connections in the formation of a picture of reality. It always contains the subjective, formed taking into account life experience. Any information passes through the personal, therefore, as a result, either rejected or accepted.

Creed in science

It refers to beliefs based on principles and laws that have been repeatedly tested by scientific methods and confirmed by real life. Creed is not synonymous with truth, nor is an intuitive worldview or philosophical system. All these concepts are just approaches to it.

A scientific credo is formed on the basis of such components as knowledge, beliefs, ideals, norms. Knowledge is a substantial component, and beliefs are an emotional and moral attitude towards the former.

As in other fields, religion has influenced the formation of the scientific credo for many people. In the era of upholding natural science, science was opposed to religion. If the latter refers more to the emotional side of a person, is based more on faith, then for science the world exists on its own.

Pedagogical credo

The best teacher will always be able to find an approach to his pupils. Children should reach for him, easily master the material. Therefore, rather strict requirements are imposed on the personality of the educator and teacher. However, they are often insufficient. In many ways, the success of the activity depends on the pedagogical credo or worldview.

The credo should reflect the essence of the work, motivate, increase the desire for self-realization. Mastering pedagogical skills occurs gradually. A professional must allow every child to open up, learn about their talents, and realize their creative potential. Traditionally, the credo of a teacher and educator contains various tasks:

  • the opportunity to give solid knowledge to each student;
  • develop the child both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities;
  • teach to defend your opinion and use it correctly.

The development of independence, curiosity, and self-confidence are also important aspects. Everyone is free to choose their own credo, but you need to realize that teaching a child is to create the necessary conditions for the full mastery of abilities.


Many educators share the views of popular and well-known personalities. This allows them to form their own position, taking into account centuries of experience. The following postulates can be laid down in the credo:

  • the teacher ceases to be a teacher if he does not comprehend anything new;
  • you need to learn always and everywhere, honing your skills and abilities;
  • you need to value your own and someone else's time;
  • a child and adults should be assessed without labels and stamps according to his real actions and knowledge.

In conclusion, we note that drawing up a credo in any area is a complex process. However, it is a stimulus for self-development and scientific progress. Ask a person about his worldview, principles - this will allow you to learn a lot about him. The credo cannot be formulated hastily or without analyzing the current situation.
