What Is The Creed

What Is The Creed
What Is The Creed

Help in the dialogue between God and man can be the use of certain prayers, canonically accepted by the entirety of the Orthodox Church. Some basic prayers can also be considered historical evidence of the Church about her beliefs. One of these prayers is the Creed.

What is the Creed
What is the Creed

The symbol of faith is usually called the Christian Orthodox confession of the foundations of the doctrine, enclosed in a certain prayer or act. Most often, in the everyday life of a simple Christian, the Nikeo-Constantinople symbol is called the Symbol of Faith. This is the main statement of the foundations of the Orthodox doctrine, adopted at two Ecumenical Councils (the first and the second).

The Nicene-Constantinople creed includes 12 verses, which define the basic dogmatic views of the Christian. At the I Ecumenical Council of 325, the first seven members of the Creed were identified, which included the conviction of the existence of God the Father as the Creator of the entire visible and invisible world, as well as testimony of Christ. They say that Christ is in the full sense of God, born of the Father before the existence of the world. Indicated at the time of Christ's coming into the world for the salvation of people, as well as his crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and ascent to heaven. Historically, this was limited to the holy fathers at the Council in Nicaea in 325, since the main meaning of the convocation of the Council was to prove the Divinity of Christ.

In 381, at the II Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, five more verses were added about the Divinity of the Holy Spirit, about the church, the resurrection of the dead and the eternal future life.

Thus, in the year 381 there is a confession document called the Niceo-Constantinople creed. In modern usage, it is simply referred to as the "Symbol of Faith." Now it is an obligatory prayer book in the list of the morning prayer rule, and is also sung by believers during the divine liturgy.