Svetlana Chuikina: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life

Svetlana Chuikina: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life
Svetlana Chuikina: Biography, Filmography And Personal Life

Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella is not about Svetlana Chuikina. After all, there was no miraculous transformation due to the handsome prince on a white horse in her destiny, which she formed exclusively on her own and due to her high working capacity, multiplied by natural talent, there was no. And the thorny path from episodic roles on the stage to important film works in popular TV series and full-length films was passed with dignity and truly professionally.

The end justifies the means when beauty is applied to talent
The end justifies the means when beauty is applied to talent

The popular theater and film actress - Svetlana Chuikina - is a native of the Pskov region and comes from a military family. She is known to the general public for her characters in film projects: Lola and the Marquis, Nina, Parisian Love of Kostya Gumankov and others.

Biography and filmography of Svetlana Chuikina

On May 1, 1975, the future actress was born in the small town of Ostrov. From early childhood, the girl showed a special interest in acting and playing for the audience. Svetlana graduated from a secondary school in Volgograd and because of the mother's unwillingness to let her daughter go to a huge metropolis with terrible laws of survival - Moscow - she entered the Saratov State Sobinov Conservatory (workshop of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Alexander Galko).

In 1997, Chuikina with honors in her pocket entered the service at the Saratov Academic Drama Theater, where she began to professionally master the profession in the classical repertoire. "The Cherry Orchard", "Antigone", "The Madness of Love" - this is an incomplete list of theatrical performances of this period, which the aspiring artist recorded in her portfolio.

However, Svetlana's heart wanted to achieve success in the capital of our Motherland, and therefore a year later the provincial girl had already actively begun to storm the theatrical bastions. Having gone through many refusals, fate nevertheless took mercy, and she was accepted into the troupe of the Modern Theater. But after a while she left this stage and shared the fate of many novice actors in the late "nineties".

In order to survive, she even had to wash the floors in the beauty salon. There was an idea to enter a Moscow theater university, but she left it in favor of a new attempt to arrange her creative career through auditions and screen tests.

If we exclude from the filmography the first film work of the actress in the author's film "Karine", which did not even pass the stage of voice acting, then the mini-series "Nina" can be considered the real cinematic debut of Svetlana Chuikina, where she, as the main character, instantly won the sympathy of millions of moviegoers throughout the post-Soviet space.

And then her filmography began to quickly fill with various films and series, from the list of which it is necessary to highlight the following: "The Brigade" (2002), "Parisian Love of Kostya Gumankov" (2004), "Lola and the Marquis" (2005), "The Thunders" (2006), “Farewell Waltz” (2007), “I'm Not Me” (2008), “Disappeared” (2009), “Yaroslav. A Thousand Years Ago "(2010)," The Vicissitudes of Love "(2011)," Treasures of O. K. " (2013), Moscow Greyhound (2014), Makarovs (2016), Adoption Clinic (2016), Shelest (2016).

Personal life of the actress

The result of the exemplary family life of Svetlana Chuikina was the marriage with her husband Vadim and the birth of her son Nikita. Love and mutual respect always reign in this happy and strong family.

According to the deep conviction of the actress, one of the most important obstacles to unlocking all the possibilities of artists on stage and stage is the romantic relationship between colleagues in the creative workshop.
