Nikolay Goncharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nikolay Goncharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Nikolay Goncharov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Nikolai Valentinovich Goncharov, an engineer by training, was fond of poetry in his youth. The time has come, and the technical worker did not abandon his hobby, because he wanted to tell the world about his life impressions, about his attitude to the 21st century, about his love for Russian literature and his small homeland - Yaroslavl.

Nikolay Goncharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Nikolay Goncharov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

From biography

Nikolay Valentinovich Goncharov was born in 1961 in Yaroslavl. My father worked all his life at a motor plant as a grinder, a foreman-adjuster. Mother worked in road management as an engineer-economist. Their family has always been an example for him. He received his education as a builder at the Polytechnic Institute. He worked as a foreman on the construction of the Tutaevsky Motor Plant, was deputy. director and director of a construction organization. Currently, he is fascinated by the work of a project manager in an investment and construction company.

Towards poetry

He began to write poetry in his student years, composed songs and sang with a guitar. The first publications of poems date back to the early 90s, mainly in the regional press. Has released three collections of poems:


The author's most important themes are finding love and family, love for the Fatherland, the modern world.


Lyrics N. Goncharov is filled with philosophical reflections.

Why exactly in the fall you want to philosophize about life? The author also sees the charm of life in an autumn day in the northern regions.

He gradually makes his way to the end of life. He writes that he is at such an age when the time has come not only for a wise life experience, but also for the wisdom of the soul. Fate was kind to him. He now loves to live in rhymes. Poetic inspiration for him is the best moment and such a moment is its time. For him, the inner rhythm is especially important now, because he does not stop rhyming.

Reflecting on people of his age, the author suggests looking back at his life and rejoicing that he lived in the world. After all, gray hair is not a sign of old age of the soul. Even though life turns were abrupt, the city still gives him good moments. The poet asks fate for an immodest, as he writes, desire - to leave the soul as young to the end.


About time and about yourself, or his philosophy of life

The best time for him is the 60-70s of the twentieth century. This is his childhood associated with the best films. He calls his life steps stubborn. Joyfully recalls the past days of childhood and adolescence. In the 90s, the name of the country was changed, in the 2000s, everyone chose their own path. And now, the author believes, as if someone invisible pulls the world by the strings, and an alarming wind over the Earth. He hopes that the XXI century will be bright. He does not regret the unfulfilled, does not consider losses. At today's age, he wants to listen more not to people, but to nature. Here is his philosophy of life.


About Russian literary glory

The poet believes that the image of Pushkin does not fade over time. The author describes the poet dancing at a ball with his graceful wife. He is perky, there is in him both irony and anxiety of life. For Russia, the poet's voice has not been lost.

Wonderful cultural places of Russia - Pushkin and Tsarskoye Selo Garden. Zhukovsky and Karamzin were here. Here the poet N. Gumilyov met young Anna Akhmatova. Pushkin grew up here. The author considers these cozy, clean and bright places to be the origins of our Mecca.

The poet also writes about the fate of Natalia Pushkina, who at the age of 18 found herself in a secular society. Her mission is to be a goddess next to a genius, to shine and give birth. She understood that she was to blame for the quarrel that led Pushkin to death. She experienced "shame, despair and grief." Time passed and she again lived for her destiny.


About small homeland

The memory of the small homeland, where N. Goncharov lives now, is always with the poet. So many wonderful moments have been lived here. His ancestors lived here, his inspiration lives here, which Yaroslavl gives him. The city of snows, red bullfinches is captivating with its harsh and calm beauty. His destiny - having fallen in love with many countries, to live on the Volga.

The poet recalls the time of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, who was tired of battles. He thought about his actions and wanted to subdue enemies not with a sword, but with his wise words. And a city was built on the Volga, which resisted Batu, which would become a favorite for the poet N. A. Nekrasov. This is how “young, inexperienced” Russia was born.


One of the poems by N. Goncharov describes the event on August 1, 1692, when the first "amusing" flotilla of Peter the Great was launched on Lake Pleshcheyevo. The young sovereign understands the importance of the planned action. He needs endurance so much, because Russia must become a sailing country. And Peter will stand, because it is not in vain that he was named that name, which means "rock, stone." And he will always remain in our memory as a strict sentinel.

For the millennium of Yaroslavl, the poet wrote a poem. There are cities that leave a short mark in the memory. Yaroslavl is not like that. He calls him "the good-natured northerner." The domes, like a squad of knights, have been towering over the Volga for a thousand years. It stands on a low-key plain. The modern urban painting "lilacs and lights" is loved by the poet.

I want to say so much about love

One of the themes in the work of N. Goncharov is the love of adults.

There was a misunderstanding between a loving married couple. The man is guilty and believes that he cannot be forgiven. He only asks that she believe, he will no longer lie. The hurricane of his feelings broke the wood, and it will take decades to sort it out like a windbreak.

Observing the bird's flight, the poet reflects on the freedom of its movement. But in the end he admits that he is happier than a bird, because nature has given him love. Thirty years of family life … These are three dozen leaf fall and fruit ripening in the gardens. The man now does not represent another life. Apparently, it was predestined from above.

In nature, everything is arranged harmoniously. The author also wants to understand the meaning of life. From what is happening with the human couple, he understood the most important thing: this woman has been dear to him for more than a dozen years.


There was a quarrel between lovers. And there was reconciliation. And as if life started from scratch. It is reckless to remember everything that was the cause of the quarrel. Doubt will make your family life worse. Husband and wife, like two pilgrims, wander through the quiet snowy city, which gives them peace.

The author describes the family circle of life, at the epicenter of which he and she. The poet calls them psychics. The universe, according to the author, teaches spouses the alphabet of the family. Unity does not come immediately. Husband and wife should be sensitive to each other, be able to read the thoughts of the other and understand the similarity of thinking. And only then will they understand that they were born for each other.

About our time

In his lyrics, the poet asks many questions about our time and wants to understand it. He is worried about the events in the Donbass and in Syria. He calls the world of the XXI century crystal. From the news and subsequent reflections, his soul is out of place. What is happening is like a game of chess. Who is the great grandmaster? The poet wants there to be a draw.

The computer age is going on across the country. The rustling of paper pages becomes quieter, almost inaudible. They were replaced by screens. Many bound books have missed the readers. A new generation is growing - networked.


Walking on the right road

Lives in his beloved city - Yaroslavl. Has a good profession - a builder. He learns happiness in his personal life - next to a reliable and faithful wife, two beautiful daughters. He does not give up literary studies and works a lot. He is moving forward on the path of building his own poetic voice, becoming more famous. Love for Russian history and philosophy, the reverent attitude of N. Goncharov to Russian literature, together with the most serious attitude to writing, make us expect new wonderful works from him.