What Are The Benefits For Labor Veterans Of The Russian Federation

What Are The Benefits For Labor Veterans Of The Russian Federation
What Are The Benefits For Labor Veterans Of The Russian Federation

Labor veteran - a citizen who has a document "Veteran of Labor", or such awards as orders, medals, as well as awarded honorary titles of the USSR or Russia, who has departmental distinctive signs in labor. People who work under the age of minor during the Second World War and have experience: men - 40 years old women - 35 years old, also have the right to be recognized as a "Veteran of Labor".

What are the benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation
What are the benefits for labor veterans of the Russian Federation

Assignment of "Labor Veteran"

To be awarded the title of "Veteran of Labor", you need to bring to the social protection authorities:

- a document that indicates labor activity (work book) and, if required, certificates from archival organizations;

- award document;

- passport.

In the USZN of Russia at the place of registration, all of the above documents are submitted, and an application is drawn up in the form of conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor". A resolution is adopted within fifteen days. In the event that a person is denied, notification of this is provided to him personally within a period of not more than 5 days. The reasons for refusal are sent to social protection, where the application was adopted.

Benefits for Labor Veterans

The Federal Law of January 12, 1995 "On Veterans" defines the organizational, legal and economic components of the social protection of veterans of the Russian Federation. Its goal is to create conditions that will provide veterans with active life, respect and honor in society.

Changes in the published law of 1995 occurred when the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2004 No. 122 was adopted. The categories of beneficiaries were divided into regional and federal. A person who is recognized as a "Veteran of Labor" is a beneficiary of regional significance, therefore, the region assigns a set of additional payments and benefits independently.

The law, issued on August 22, 2004, No. 122, regulates benefits for the population of Russia, citizens of foreign origin, and without citizenship, permanently residing in Russia and having the document "Veteran of Labor".

Typically, the payments that are provided to labor veterans are as follows:

- receiving benefits in accordance with the decrees of the Russian Federation;

- payment of subsidies on a monthly basis;

- preferential purchase of medicines;

- receiving prosthetic and orthopedic service;

- payment of utilities with a 50% discount;

- purchase of a public transport ticket at a reduced price;

- receipt, as well as the maintenance of living quarters.

When men reach 60 years of age and women 55 years old, the state guarantees the receipt of an old-age pension.

Citizens who have earned an old-age pension and have earned the title of "Veteran of Labor" can count on the payment of benefits in full. To find out what social subsidies in your region, you need to come to the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of registration.