Why Do We Need A Population Census

Why Do We Need A Population Census
Why Do We Need A Population Census

A population census refers to the purposeful process of collecting and analyzing various demographic, social and political data about a population. It is a powerful tool in planning government activities. So why the necessary population census?

Why do we need a population census
Why do we need a population census

The most important reason for conducting a population census is knowing the current situation of the citizens of a particular country. The more data will be obtained in the course of his surveys, the more competently the state will be able to plan its domestic and foreign policy, the solution of social and economic issues in the country, as well as many other aspects of the life of the state, depending on its specifics.

The second important task of the population census is planning the fiscal policy of the state based on data on the population's income. Fiscal policy is an activity aimed at achieving certain goals of the state in terms of collection of taxes and duties. The more objective the data obtained during the census are, the more competently the state will be able to distribute the tax burden on its citizens.

The Russian Federation assumes a number of social obligations, including: pensions, health insurance, free education and a number of others. In this regard, he just needs to know the age, professional, economic data on the population. At the moment, the state is facing an acute problem of increasing the birth rate. In order to competently build a demographic policy, it is important for the government to know the number of children in the country in different age groups, as well as the average age of women in the country.

Population censuses make it possible to know the national structure of a state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that Russia is a multinational state. Any nationality or nation has its own customs, traditions and customs. If you know what is the distribution of people of different nationalities on the territory of the country, the government will be able to competently solve problems in such areas as the religious consciousness of citizens, their attitude towards people of other nationalities, etc.