Ryabkov Sergey Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Ryabkov Sergey Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Ryabkov Sergey Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The diplomatic service performs representative functions and protects the interests of the state in relations with other countries. Sergei Ryabkov held senior positions in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Sergey Ryabkov
Sergey Ryabkov

Starting conditions

Since the inception of human civilization, diplomacy has been considered the most important direction for establishing good-neighborly relations between countries. People with a broad outlook and fundamental knowledge become diplomats. Sergey Alekseevich Ryabkov holds the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation. The scope of his duties is outlined by the issues of bilateral relations with the countries of the American continent. At the same time, he oversees activities to control the proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons.

The future diplomat was born on July 8, 1960 in the family of Foreign Ministry employees. Parents at that time lived in the famous city of Leningrad. My father served as attaché of the Soviet Embassy in Denmark. Mother worked here as a translator. The child had to move from one country to another from an early age. From the age of sixteen, Sergei lived in the city on the Neva and studied at a school with in-depth study of the English language. According to family traditions, Ryabkov was to receive an education at the elite educational institution of MGIMO. In 1982, Sergei completed his studies and entered the diplomatic service.


Professional activity

In diplomatic circles, seemingly insignificant decisions are made after a thorough discussion. Sergei Alekseevich, possessing system-analytical thinking, has always submitted sound and balanced proposals for the consideration of colleagues. A year later, he was sent for an internship in Canada. The young diplomat observed how the citizens of this country live, studied traditions and culture. He worked closely with colleagues working in the United States. With this in mind, a few years later Ryabkov was appointed Minister-Counselor of the Russian Embassy in the United States.

At the next stage of his career, Ryabkov headed the Department of European Cooperation. At this time, riots broke out in Ukraine and politicians from the European Union began to send not very friendly signals to Russia. In the spring of 2019, the President of the Russian Federation appointed Ryabkov as his representative in the Federal Assembly when considering the Treaty on the Consideration of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles between Russia and the United States. This process is still far from complete and diplomats will have to work hard on the text.

Recognition and privacy

For his impeccable activity in the diplomatic service, Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov was awarded the Orders of Friendship, Honor and For Services to the Fatherland. He was awarded the special title "Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary".

The personal life of Sergei Ryabkov has developed well. He has been legally married since his student years. The husband and wife raised and raised two children.
