Artemy Kivovich Troitsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Artemy Kivovich Troitsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Artemy Kivovich Troitsky: Biography, Career And Personal Life

There is such a profession - a rock journalist. This is what the press calls Artemy Troitsky, who devoted his life to serving the Muse of singing and music, which the ancient Greeks called Euterpe.

Artemy Troitsky
Artemy Troitsky

short biography

Artemy Troitsky is called the first agitator "for rock music". The famous expert and music critic was born on July 16, 1955 in an intelligent family. Parents were engaged in political science and lived in Yaroslavl. A few years later, my father was transferred to work in the editorial office of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism, which was located in the capital of Czechoslovakia, Prague. Thanks to this, Artemy's childhood years passed on the land of the Czech state. When the child was about to go to school, the family returned to their native land.

The boy studied well at school. He began to show interest in music early. He was interested, as far as possible, in jazz and other fashion trends that were born in the West. His father brought him CDs from business trips abroad, and Artemy was one of the first in Moscow to learn about new products. In 1972, Troitsky received his secondary education. After some deliberation, he entered the Institute of Economics and Statistics. Already in his student years, he knew well how the capital's musical party lives.

Lecturer and expert

In 1977, Troitsky received a diploma and got a job at the Institute of Art History. For two years he worked on a dissertation on the influence of popular music processes in society. It did not come to defense, and the career of a scientist had to be said goodbye. For some time he played guitar in the "Sounds of Mu" band. In the second half of the 80s, he began to organize solo performances and group concerts of domestic rock groups. By that time, such groups as “Kino”, the famous “Time Machine”, “Center” had already “worked”.

The biography of Troitsky could have developed differently, but at the beginning of the 90s, the borders opened. Performers from different countries began to come to Russia. Artemy Troitsky again engages in musical criticism with enthusiasm. For a long period of time he was broadcasting "Cafe Oblomov". As a famous expert, he is regularly invited to the jury of international competitions. Troitsky's opinion is taken into account not only by musicians, but also by other participants in show business, writers and politicians.

Sublimation of personal life

A sentimental novel can be written about the personal life of Artemy Troitsky. Without a doubt, the rock journalist has one great Love for music. However, this is not enough for a full-fledged real life. There are no sufficient grounds to assert that Troitsky is a womanizer. At the same time, four marriages are very reflective. Doing arithmetic calculations is boring and generally dishonest. But it is useful to give a few numbers.

Artemy Troitsky first became a father at the age of 36. The husband and wife lived in a civil marriage. The first time he visited the registry office when he turned 40. The next registration took place at the age of 55. The spouses have a son and a daughter. Some time ago, the Troitsky family moved to Estonia. Life goes on. Music is being composed. Troitsky writes reviews and speaks on TV.