What Are Mantras For?

What Are Mantras For?
What Are Mantras For?

Mantras are a certain set of letters and expressions that are extracted from the subconscious of a person through special techniques. For the first time, the monks of Tibet began to use them to bring into life what each of us wants.

What are mantras for?
What are mantras for?

First, mantras are a means of communication between a person and the Universe. It has long been proven that the thoughts and words of a person have a wave structure, that is, they consist of a certain matter that cannot be destroyed. Accordingly, pronouncing mantras, a person charges the Cosmos (Universe) with a frequency that responds to his request with results in the physical world. This property was discovered thousands of years ago by monks in Tibet and now it has been proven by scientists.

Secondly, mantras help a person to attract wealth, health and happiness into his life. When we read a prayer or a certain phrase, we ask the Universe to give us what is at its disposal. Obviously, there are more than enough blessings on Earth for all people. Almost everyone strives to find peace of mind, material security and a healthy, fulfilling life. Here are some examples of mantras that should be read aloud every day so that changes begin to manifest in life: “Om hrim shrim lakshmi byo namaha”, “om lakshman vigan sri kamala dhvarigan svaha”, “om gam ganapataye namaha”, etc.

Thirdly, chanting or reciting mantras helps to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. It is like meditation or sleep, when the subconscious mind becomes most receptive to the outside world. Thus, a person calms down and brings his thinking into balance. Scientists have proven that the physical and nerve sheaths are inextricably linked with each other. That is, in order to feel peacefulness, it is important to work on the physical body. Mantras, just allow you to achieve this goal.

Fourthly, mantras help to control a person's energy and use it for their needs. When we say a prayer or incantation in the form of mantras, we thereby generate energy within ourselves and give it to the Universe. The latter, however, responds to our request with the result in the physical world.