Voronenkov Denis Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Voronenkov Denis Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Voronenkov Denis Nikolaevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

The political establishment of the Russian Federation presents a variegated picture. In recent years, several State Duma deputies have abandoned their mandates and fled to the territory of neighboring states. One of these politicians is Denis Voronenkov.

Denis Voronenkov
Denis Voronenkov

Start-up capital

The political system in modern Russia is still far from perfect. In civilized countries, a random subject will not be able to get into parliament under any circumstances. Denis Nikolaevich Voronenkov was born on April 10, 1971 in the family of a military man. Parents at that time lived in Gorky. There were four children in the house. The head of the family was regularly transferred from one duty station to another. The child barely had time to get used to the situation when he had to pack his bags again. The future State Duma deputy went to school in Leningrad.

In the city on the Neva, Voronenkov watched from an early age how wealthy people lived and what efforts they made to achieve financial well-being. Denis very quickly realized that working at a factory or in a seaport does not bring much income. To live in luxury, you need to be among the category of people who are engaged in lawmaking. The teenager graduated from eight classes and entered the Suvorov School. After graduating from college, he continued his education at the Military University.

Service and business

Since 1995, Voronenkov has been working in various structures of the Military Prosecutor's Office. The career of a graduate is developing without much success or failure. This irritates Denis and makes him act more intensely. Over the five-year period, the young lawyer has seen enough of corrupt officials and robbers, extortionists and swindlers. All these people "turned over" with huge capital. A military lawyer could only dream of such income. Voronenkov's biography could have developed according to the standard scheme. However, he decided to pursue a career in the political sphere.

In 2000, Denis Nikolaevich put aside the prosecutor's cases and went to work in the State Duma apparatus. Then he was invited to the post of deputy mayor in the famous city of Naryan-Mar. In this post, Voronenkov is acquiring useful contacts in the government of the Russian Federation and other structures of the federal level. And finally, in 2011, he was elected a member of the State Duma. Here he is actively working as part of the Communist Party faction. In the fall of 2016, he and his family moved to Ukraine.

Essays on personal life

Voronenkov explained the hasty move to Ukrainian territory by prosecution on a fabricated case. It is quite possible that the “creativity” of the Investigative Committee should not have been taken into account. However, Denis Nikolaevich knew well all the features and techniques that are used in such situations. On March 27, 2017, Voronenkov was killed by a killer's bullet in the center of Kiev.

You can write a sentimental novel about Denis Voronenkov's personal life. He was legally married three times. Every time he had children. In the final, third time, he married State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova. They were united by a love of comfort and public events. The husband and wife have a son. Together they left Russia and settled in a friendly state. Today Maksakova is looking for a new life partner.