Kireev Alexander Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kireev Alexander Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kireev Alexander Alekseevich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Most people in the Russian state are concerned with personal well-being and success. Few thinking elites think about the prosperity of the country. The famous Russian thinker Alexander Kireev left the fruits of his reflections in books and newspaper publications.

Alexander Kireev
Alexander Kireev

Upbringing and education

The Russian Empire in the nineteenth century experienced not only the invasion of Napoleonic troops. Under the influence of European ideas, the most heated discussions about the further development of the country flared up in society. Alexander Alekseevich Kireev belonged to a small group of intellectuals and patriots who defended national interests. His educational activities, practical steps to implement socially significant projects received mixed responses from supporters and opponents. In particular, he spoke negatively about democratic forms of government.

The future public figure was born on November 4, 1833 in an old noble family. At that time, the parents lived in Moscow. According to the traditions established many years ago, enlightened representatives of the cultural society regularly gathered in the Kireevs' house. From a young age, the child watched and listened to the guests' speeches, although he did not always understand what the argument was about. All conversations between parents and children were conducted in French. At the age of sixteen, Alexander received home education. With him was a tutor who had been discharged from Paris.


Works and days

After the sudden death of his father, in 1849, Alexander Kireev and his brother were assigned to the Corps of Pages. On this account, the Sovereign-Emperor Nicholas I ordered. After graduating from the training course, Kireev received an officer's rank and was sent to serve in the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment. During this period, the infamous Crimean War began. With the rank of lieutenant, Kireev took part in military clashes and earned an award - the Order of St. Anna of the third degree. After the end of hostilities, wishing to replenish his knowledge base and broaden his horizons, he entered the St. Petersburg University as a free listener.

In 1862, Kireev, as one of the educated officers, was appointed adjutant of the governor in the Kingdom of Poland, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. A year after the appointment, an uprising of the local gentry broke out in Poland against the Russian presence. Kireev took an active part in suppressing the riots, showing reasonable rigidity and using persuasion methods. Gradually, the brilliant intellectual and brilliant officer began to participate in publicistic discussions that were conducted on the pages of the capital's newspapers and magazines.

Mandate flows

A successful military career did not prevent Kireev from declaring himself as a thinker. He led a sharp polemic with the opponents of Slavophilism. Alexander Alekseevich advocated strong state power, headed by the Tsar. “Many minds, but one will” - he adhered to this model.

Little is said in the biography about Kireev's personal life. He, as befits a Christian, lived in a legal marriage. The husband and wife raised and raised four children. Alexander Alekseevich died in July 1910.
