The Interior Decoration Of The Altar Of An Orthodox Church

The Interior Decoration Of The Altar Of An Orthodox Church
The Interior Decoration Of The Altar Of An Orthodox Church

The interior of an Orthodox church is usually divided into three parts: the vestibule, the main part and the altar. The altar is the holiest site of the temple. It is there that the miracle of the application of bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ takes place.

The interior decoration of the altar of an Orthodox church
The interior decoration of the altar of an Orthodox church

In an Orthodox church, the altar is separated from the main room for worshipers by a wall with icons, called the iconostasis. The altar itself occupies a smaller area than the main part of the temple, in which the faithful are at worship. Since the altar is the most sacred place of the temple, the entrance to it is allowed only to clergymen and people who have a special blessing from the hierarchy.

In the center of the altar is the holy throne. It is on it that the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated during the divine liturgy. A priest stands in front of the altar during the service. On the throne itself there are altar crosses, a gospel, an antimension, as well as a tabernacle and an icon lamp. The tabernacle contains dried holy gifts for the communion of believers at home.

In the northern part of the altar of the Orthodox church, there is an altar. It is on it that the priest performs proskomedia, prepares bread and wine for the sacrament of the Eucharist. At a certain point in the liturgy, still unconsecrated bread and wine are transferred to the throne.

An integral part of the Orthodox altar is the seven-branched candelabrum located behind the altar closer to the eastern part. A seven-branched candlestick is a construction of seven icon lamps or candles. If the seven-branched candlestick is small, it can be located on the throne itself. A similar object was still in the altar of the Old Testament tabernacle.

The eastern wall of the altar is decorated with an icon of Christ the Savior. Most often, the holy image depicts the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This part of the altar is called the high place. In front of the icon of the Savior, most often an icon lamp hangs, and on the highest place there is a place for a clergyman's seat.

In the southern part of the altar, a place for a censer is most often arranged. There may also be an electric stove on which the altar boy can light coal for the censer.

Also, the altar may contain tombs with the shroud of Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos. The specific location of these shrines is indicated by the abbot of the temple.

It should be noted that the interior of the altar is decorated with various icons or wall paintings. The plots of paintings and holy images can be different. Sometimes these are events of the New Testament history, in other cases - the faces of saints, angels or the Mother of God.