What Signs Portend Trouble

What Signs Portend Trouble
What Signs Portend Trouble

People tend to observe the world around them and draw certain conclusions from what they see. Some interpret what is happening intuitively, others - based on the laws of nature and logical relationships. Often people are guided by signs, of which there are a lot in the world.

What signs portend trouble
What signs portend trouble

Nature signals trouble

A large number of signs are associated with flora and fauna. Most often, birds are the harbingers. Close observation of their behavior will help predict any misfortune.

For example, if a white dove flies around the house several times, wait for death. Circular flights of a crow with a three-fold croak also speak of the imminent death of one of the residents. Death is foreshadowed by the crowing of a rooster heard at midnight.

A bird knocks on the window for a big grief and a raven croaks. If the chickens scream loudly on the roost, there is a big fight in the house. Trouble is worth waiting for if the crow, past which your path lies, begins to croak loudly.

It is worth noting that many signs have a different interpretation. For example, time was often measured by roosters in villages. The first cry was at midnight, the second was before dawn. And with the third it was necessary to get up.

It is believed that pets can sense the approach of trouble. Many signs are associated with the behavior of dogs. For example, if a dog howls with his head down - to death. When howling at a certain house, its owners need to be prepared for theft or fire. If a dog refuses to eat a treat from a person's plate, he should pay attention to his health - this behavior can indicate a serious illness.

Focus on actions and circumstances

Many folk signs are associated with certain human actions. For example, it is believed that a person cannot cut himself, thus shortening his life. The second interpretation of this action concerns girls. Those who cut their own hair are destined to pass seven years without a loved one.

Believe it or not is an independent choice of each person. Studies show that omens do not work with people who do not pay attention to such "little things".

Many signs are associated with tables. For example, you can easily induce trouble by simply placing a pillow on it. A knife left on the surface for the night will also turn into troubles. Folk omens also say that one should not sit at the dinner table - this is death in the family.

There are many signs associated with such an accessory as a button. Don't expect anything good if a button breaks in your hands. As they say - today is not your day. You can catch up with fuss if you button up asymmetrically in the morning. If the button comes off, pay attention to your surroundings. It is quite possible that a person who plans to use you for selfish purposes has crept into it.

There are also signs associated with the body and face of a person. For example, it is believed that the elbows itch to grief, and the bridge of the nose to the death of a relative. Bad news can be expected if there is a ringing in the left ear. To sadness and grief, the back of the head also itches.