Dmitry Krylov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Dmitry Krylov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Dmitry Krylov: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

The whole life of the actor, director, writer and TV presenter Dmitry Krylov is unusual, starting from the place of birth and ending with his program "Unlucky Notes". What do viewers know about his biography, career path and personal life? Negligible.

Dmitry Krylov: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Dmitry Krylov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

In an interview, Dmitry Krylov ironically said about himself: "a native of a boat in the Sea of Okhotsk", and this phrase is not a metaphor, joke or fiction, but a statement of fact. This was the first, but far from the last adventure of the future host of the most popular television program about travel, "Bad Notes".

Biography of TV presenter Dmitry Krylov

At the end of September 1946, Dmitry Krylov was born in a small boat right in the middle of the Sea of Okhotsk. The boy's mother ended up there not because of her irresponsibility, but because there was simply no other way to get her to the nearest maternity hospital. Little Dima's dad died 9 days before the birth of his son.

Dima spent his childhood in the town of Zvenigorod near Moscow, where his grandparents lived, while the boy's mother was finishing her studies at the Moscow Conservatory. When the studies were over, the mother and stepfather took the boy with them to Ufa.

School science was given to Dmitry hard, he was much more attracted to games with friends, and not always safe - the boy drowned in winter, fell under a tractor, a sharp spear stuck into him during imitation of ancient massacres.

After school, the young man managed to work as an ambulance driver, and then went to the army, where he spent three long years.


In the army, Dmitry was engaged in shooting, showed excellent results among the colleagues of the elite unit, but he could not continue his military career for medical reasons - for some unknown reason, he developed hand tremors. I had to look for another professional path.

Dmitry Krylov's career

After the "demobilization" Dmitry tried himself in different professional directions - from the janitor to the lighting in the theater. There, the young man decided on who he wants to become - he really liked the work of the director. The decision was made - to enter at all costs in GITIS.

In 1978, Dmitry Krylov graduated from GITIS, and already in 1982 he taught there. Trying himself as a concert director led him to an unexpected result - accusations of anti-Sovietism and a kind of disgrace. Mikhail Zadornov helped Dmitry get out of it - he helped him find a job in the editorial department of Central Television.


Then perestroika began, television changed, and Dmitry found a place in it. He took part in the creation of programs:

  • "Satellite of the TV viewer",
  • "Evening",
  • "Searchlight of perestroika",
  • "Telescope".

During the same period, he expanded the scope of his activities and became not only a director, but also a TV presenter. In 1992, he began work on the creation of his own, the author's program "Irregular Notes".

Interesting facts about TV presenter Dmitry Krylov

The very first trip of Dmitry Krylov, and immediately outside his homeland, happened during his service in the ranks of the Soviet army - with his part he ended up in Czechoslovakia, where at that moment the political situation worsened.

For some time, Dmitry worked as a clothing demonstrator, and his photo can be found in fashion magazines from the Soviet era.

Dmitry Krylov starred in 5 feature films from 1989 to 1992. These were the roles in the pictures

  • "Where do you live, crucians?"
  • "The Riddle of Endhouse"
  • "Regicide",
  • "Forgiveness",
  • "Moscow beauties".

Dmitry Krylov is not only a director, actor and TV presenter, but also a writer. In his "piggy bank" already two books dedicated to travel - "Boomerang" and "I am a penguin." And in 2006 he received a significant award - the Order of Friendship.

In addition, Dmitry Krylov is a businessman - his travel agency serves the employees of the country's main television channel who go on business trips, and in bookstores you can buy personalized guides to the most popular countries of the world among tourists.

Personal life of TV presenter Dmitry Krylov

Dmitry was married four times, and only the last marriage, according to him, brought him happiness and peace. His first wife was a woman with the beautiful name Albina, who was 10 years older. The marriage did not last long, just 5 years later the family broke up.

Soon after the first divorce in Krylov's life, Natalya appeared, but the relationship with her did not last long either. From his third wife, Dmitry had a son, whom his father tried in every possible way to introduce to his profession, but the boy chose the path of a designer, and today he is quite successful in his business.

Barinova Tatiana became the fourth wife of TV presenter Dmitry Krylov. He met her at a time when work on his main project, the program "Irregular Notes", was just beginning. Since then, the couple has not parted.


Tatiana was the editor of the first issues of "Unlucky Notes", accompanies her husband on all his travels. Tanya managed to become a friend to Dmitry's son, and he adopted her child from a previous marriage. It is interesting that both sons are called Dmitriy.

What is Dmitry Krylov doing now

Even having crossed the 70-year mark, Dmitry Krylov continues to travel and shoot new issues of "Bad Notes". He posts filming reports and announcements of future programs on his official website, wanting to keep up with the times.


In his country house, Krylov organized a kind of museum for his favorite project - a special room was set aside, and the largest in the house, where souvenirs brought from travels are kept. Among them there are hunting trophies, a real Mayan calendar and many other interesting gizmos.
