Yan Mayorovich Arlazorov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Yan Mayorovich Arlazorov: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Yan Mayorovich Arlazorov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Yan Arlazorov is a pop artist who became famous for his performances in popular humorous programs. His ability to work with the audience made the artist one of the most recognizable.

Yan Arlazorov
Yan Arlazorov

Family, early years

Yan Mayorovich was born on August 26, 1947. The family lived in Moscow. His father was a lawyer, his mother worked as a surgeon. Jan's father is Jewish, he bore the surname Schulrufer. Yang took his mother's surname. Later, another child was born, the younger brother of Yan - Leonid.

The family was friendly, the parents maintained excellent relations. The children received a good upbringing. Yang studied well, was diversified. As a child, he was fond of football, athletics.

Thanks to his grandfather, who was an actor, Jan became interested in theater, and then decided to devote his life to this work. He chose the school for them. Shchukin, where he entered without problems.

Creative biography

After studying, Arlazorov was admitted to the Central Children's Theater, on the stage of which the comedian's talent manifested itself. He often got comedic roles.

In 1972, Jan first appeared in a movie ("Chronicle of the Night"). However, on the set, he did not feel very comfortable, since the film was an action movie. This was not to the liking of the artist, for some time he decided to leave the shooting.

In 1974, Arlazorov moved to the Mossovet Theater, where he worked successfully until 1989. He won the All-Russian Contest of Variety Artists. In the late 80s - early 90s, YanMayorovich began to perform with monologues, which were popular with the audience. Later he was invited to the famous "Full House" program.

In 1997, Arlazorov became an Honored Artist. He had his own style of presenting the numbers, he communicated with the audience in the hall, making them participants in the scene. This made Jan Mayorovich one of the most recognizable artists.

Arlazorov died on March 7, 2009, he was 61 years old. He had stomach cancer. Yan Mayorovich fought the disease for 2 years, but did not agree to the operation. He practiced curative fasting, visited healers.

Personal life

Jan Mayorovich was officially married once. His wife was Yola Sanko, an actress. They had a daughter, Alena, but the marriage later fell apart. The spouses often quarreled, the reason was Ian's low income. Yola worked hard and earned more. Tired of the constant reproaches, Yang once cheated on her. His wife did not forgive him and left with the child. After the divorce, they did not communicate.

Later Arlazorov met with Karchevskaya Lyubov. Together they lived in a civil marriage for over 20 years. Karchevskaya was not only a beloved woman, but also helped the artist in his work. She was its director, press secretary, and dresser.

Arlazorov could not communicate with his own daughter, Yola Sanko left the country with her. Later they returned, but communication still did not work out. However, Yan Mayorovich paid for Alena's studies at the university. Before his death, the artist wanted to see his daughter, but she did not come to the meeting.
