Yuri Kim: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Yuri Kim: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Yuri Kim: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

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The unusually clear and strong voice of this little performer of Cossack folk songs immediately conquered the audience of the "Minute of Glory" and "Voice" song contests.

Yuri Kim
Yuri Kim


The Yeysky Nightingale was born, and this is what the fans of the singer call their favorite now, in 2002 on October 13. His homeland is Uzbekistan, the city of Navoi. Yuri Kim's father and mother in early youth moved with their parents to the new city under construction in the Soviet Union. Yura's mother is from Novosibirsk, her name is Evgenia Yuryevna Kuznetsova, and her father is Kim Oleg Robertovich, he is Korean by nationality. Oleg came to Navoi to build a new life from Samarkand. In the city of chemists and builders, Navoi, a young husband and wife began their working career. The Kim family's place of work was the Navoiazot chemical enterprise. Yuri's father worked as a process engineer, and his mother worked as an economist in the accounting department.


Yura is the only child in this Korean-Russian family. In mixed marriages, children are always beautiful and very talented. So it happened in the case of the little singer.

Fate decreed that the Uzbek family left their native land and moved to the city of Yeysk. It is a small resort town in the south of Russia. It is located on the shores of the famous Azov Sea. The move took place in 2009. Yura's parents found a suitable job and directed all their efforts to educate the boy towards studying the art of singing.

Study and music

In September 2009, Yuri Kim went to study in the first grade. The vocal teacher at the very first lessons drew attention to the clear and clear voice of Yura. Thanks to Galina Sergeevna Kovalenko, who taught music, Yura got into the exemplary ensemble "Yeisk Cossacks", in the choral group.

Semle years of singing, choreography, horse riding, saber playing contributed to the artist's professional growth. These skills helped Yuri Kim to successfully perform in popular television music competitions.


In addition to singing, Yura learns to play and musical instruments. He chose violin and dombra for himself..


The young artist performed his first solo concert in 2011. This action took place in the Yeisk summer park of culture and recreation. All spectators were delighted with the powerful performance of folk songs and the manner of performance of the pupil of the Yeisk School of Music.

Participation in the program "Minute of Glory" brought Yura all-Russian popularity and success. This did not prevent him from remaining an ordinary boy, very sociable and friendly to his peers and adult listeners.


In 2015, Yuri Kim took part in the "Voice. Children-3" competition. Despite the successful completion of all stages of the audition, the young performer of the romance "Burn, Shine, My Star" was out of luck. At the last stage, all members of the jury have already recruited the required number of young singers into their groups. And Yura Kim was left without a place.


After participating in the "Voice" project, Yura continues to study music education. But he stopped singing, as the mutation of his voice began. Teachers recommended that he take a break from his singing career.

Yura travels a lot and meets like-minded people everywhere. His latest hobby is beatboxing. This is the art of imitation of percussion sounds, which all teenagers in Europe and America are passionate about.
