What Could Be The Crisis

What Could Be The Crisis
What Could Be The Crisis

The prospect of 2012 worries many people. And this cannot be called an accident. A large number of important political events can give direction to the development of many situations, including crisis ones.

What could be the 2012 crisis
What could be the 2012 crisis

In 2012, there will be elections for the new president of the Russian Federation. In the same year, the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party will be held in China. In November 2012, the United States will also elect the next president. Each of these events is of immense importance. It is able to set the direction of movement and change the alignment of political forces. It becomes clear why 2012 can be called the year of the main struggle for and against the dollar, for dominance on the planet, for control over dwindling natural resources. A possible cataclysm of the dollar should happen in such a way that those who receive the Nobel Prize today can answer for it. Peace Prize. After all, the possible collapse of the American dream must have its own author. And given that the second wave of the crisis is gaining momentum in the United States, it is very difficult to predict the development of the global financial collapse. Nevertheless, today the US dollar is considered one of the liquid assets. Most of the economic turnover relies on it, the cost of oil, metals and grain is nominated. In the context of unstable financial stability, liquidity is a fairly popular factor. Therefore, one should not be afraid that such an investment asset as the dollar will suddenly disappear. This situation will continue until governments find effective solutions to the problems that have arisen. It is entirely possible that the US dollar will eventually cease to be the main reserve currency. Confirmation of this scenario of future events can be considered the fact that China is gradually getting rid of dollar reserves. In addition, Russia and China carry out mutual settlements in national currencies. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is the fact that the US government, forced to pay off its huge debts, will not be able to stop the "printing press" until a certain moment. This means that the huge mass of unsecured paper dollars will increase, only exacerbating the situation. It is at this moment that a real economic crisis in the United States may come with all the ensuing consequences. It would be simply naive to assume that the crisis will pass Russia. The problems that triggered the first wave of the US crisis have not completely disappeared. In addition, serious problems have appeared in the European economy. All this, of course, will indirectly affect Russia as well. One should not expect that against the background of the ongoing global crisis processes there will be an increase in demand for raw materials, which are the basis of Russian exports, on which the state of the country's budget depends. Naturally, the growth rates of the Russian economy will lag behind the pre-crisis indicators. Among other things, the ruble may continue to fall, which will have a very negative impact on the purchasing power of the population, and it turns out that Russia may be at the mercy of the problems that America and Europe have already faced. All the hope of the Russian Federation is that the crisis of 2011-2012 does not drag on, and that the Russians have enough strength and the measures taken by the government.